This might save you 30 min of investigation... I'm a newbie myself at F2 modding so some of the pros feel free to smack me down. Also, please add to this list if I left something out.
So, if you want to make a new script for a critter, you potentially have to edit:
Global.h: GVAR_TOWN_REP, all the quest states. Also addiction and karma is in here. If you don't want to edit Global.h you can use the GVAR_RESERVED_VARs but good luck bookkeeping.
Also, I haven't tried this yet (mod's not done)... but I assume if you edit global.h you have to rebuild the world with the new one.
<townname>.h: various local values/vars get defined here... the important one is a wrapper for the town rep
<mapname>.h: map-specific vars.
<critter>.ssl: the script for your critter behavior
scripts.h/scripts.lst: you need to stick the new script in here
<critter>.msg: dialog text nodes/floaters, which you reference in the .ssl. Also the text where it goes "You see..." is in here.
Addtional files:
command.h: marking cities on the map, having sex, "made man"/"prizefighter" type macros, macros for having the car or having NPCs, merchant restocking...
modreact.h: you might want to modify this if you have a global faction such as a "slaver," otherwise do it locally
So, if you want to make a new script for a critter, you potentially have to edit:
Global.h: GVAR_TOWN_REP, all the quest states. Also addiction and karma is in here. If you don't want to edit Global.h you can use the GVAR_RESERVED_VARs but good luck bookkeeping.
Also, I haven't tried this yet (mod's not done)... but I assume if you edit global.h you have to rebuild the world with the new one.
<townname>.h: various local values/vars get defined here... the important one is a wrapper for the town rep
<mapname>.h: map-specific vars.
<critter>.ssl: the script for your critter behavior
scripts.h/scripts.lst: you need to stick the new script in here
<critter>.msg: dialog text nodes/floaters, which you reference in the .ssl. Also the text where it goes "You see..." is in here.
Addtional files:
command.h: marking cities on the map, having sex, "made man"/"prizefighter" type macros, macros for having the car or having NPCs, merchant restocking...
modreact.h: you might want to modify this if you have a global faction such as a "slaver," otherwise do it locally