!To anyone that was in South of The Border or The Battle!

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[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Mar-10-01 AT 09:16PM (GMT)[p]Hi it's me sargent _squigge, who was Neo in the story. I've been having some major promblems (for a while) with my interenet and that is why i haven't been posting in the now dead battle. BUT i have been makeing South of the Border into a masterpiece. It is phenomenal now. First off I would like to thank every who was in it, everyone added their own personal touch. It ended on a sour note, but i had some great times and laughes in the whole thing.

I have a few unaswered questions though for the parts we never got to finish (since I am going to finish it to make it a complete story. I've also made the begininng and middle make mor e sence, grammically corrected, and more descriptive.

How do the secound men die? (any special tatic?
Is there anything special inside the vault?
What is the final battle inside the vault like(and against who)?
What does Santa Anna say when he is surrounded and questioned by Neo (since Neo is Santa Anna's grandson)?
Any other stuff? (I would like ANY suggestions!)

If you have ANY ideas just post them, any little bit of information would GREATLY BE APPREICATED!
RE: !To anyone that was in South of The Border or The Battle

If your Internet is working ok nowwe can resume. I only stopped posting because it was the fair thing to do what with you having Internet problems. Reptile is still hanging around. I'm sure we can get it going again.

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It's only cheating if you get caught
- Fang_Of_the_BOS@hotmail.com
RE: !To anyone that was in South of The Border or The Battle

Hey you finally back squigee! I'm always ready to join back!
RE: !To anyone that was in South of The Border or The Battle

Well hey there! Guess I'm back too, and Neo, I did post a little in South of the Border, but then my computer's graphics chip shorted out and fried the motherboard, and I haven't had a computer up 'til recently. If ya post a new one, I'll try to post on it. If ya want to know how long I've been posting, check out some of the earlier posts. =P
RE: !To anyone that was in South of The Border or The Battle

Yah I know, Max was also there.
RE: !To anyone that was in South of The Border or The Battle

YAY! guess who is here!
RE: !To anyone that was in South of The Border or The Battle

All right!