Too Many Encounters


First time out of the vault
So after I patched the game with Killap's patch the game runs well and all. However, the encounter rate is HUGE! I can barely move 2 world map spaces without running into a battle.

I've only recently noticed this (but then again I haven't gotten very far this time. I'm in Modoc). Does anyone know what to do?
i presume you have a rather slow computer then (by modern standards)?

there is a modifier in /blackisle/fallout/data/data/worlmap.txt for the encounter rate but i can't remember it. (don't have FO2 on this pc)

maybe you can find it yourself.
Yes, copy back in the Fallout 2 1.02 exe from the official 1.02 patch.

I mention all of this in the readme file of my patch. I am thinking I should make this "improved" exe a separate download...
I think people who really want to use your patch should read the Read me file better.... if they don't want to read it they should leave the game unmodded
Oracle said:
I think people who really want to use your patch should read the Read me file better.... if they don't want to read it they should leave the game unmodded

Maybe include a few scripts with game-stopping bugs, and add this to the readme: "Before playing you must remove these files..." :twisted:

Of course, killap would get 300,000 emails about it which is NOT MY PROBLEM
Now that's an interesting idea :D

Error "...If you don't know why you get this error read the entire Read Me file to solve this problem"

To bad it doesn't really fit in the PATCH that fixes all the bugs and errors. But it would be a handy feature to put into mods and such.

Yay 400th post!!!

What ..... It took me about 3,5 years... :wink: