Wicked. We had a similar incident on a smaller scale in the Pacific NW (Tacoma, Wa) earlier this year. A welding / manufacturing facility had a propane explosion that rocked the power grid. A rolling surge of power was sent 40 miles away in almost every direction. This explosion also knocked out cable infrastructure essential to TV and data services. Fortunately, only one was killed. The propane truck driver was in the middle of the explosion. Them an actually survived with 3rd degree burns for two weeks before passing on.
While at work I witnessed the local cable network crash to its knees then the power turned off, back on. I happened to look at the traffic cameras from where a customer thought he heard the location, nothing but fire...
The atlas explosion pails in comparison (flames sent roughly 1000' high). I am glad the body count is as low as it is.
Any cause for the that blast? Down here, well its unfortunate the dissolution of the union could very well be to blame. Accidents are quite frequent there...