total n00b needs simple Fallout 2 help


First time out of the vault
So, if anyone reads this dispite the title, that's great, just thought I'd be honest.

I've just started playing Fallout 2, and I've returned to Modoc after telling Karl in the Den what was up with the Ghost Farm. Jo is pissed at me(I think I may have gotten caught stealing from him, I don't remember), and from what I've read, It seems that I have to talk to Jo again to get the other quests in Modoc, like finding the missing kid Johnny.

So, my question is, is there any way to be able to talk with someone after you've made them mad and attack you? I don't care if it involves cheating or some 3rd party Save-hacking app, I just want to do the quests without starting over.

It's easy, try sneak to him, and then talk to him, when the dialogue is over, enter battle mode first, then run away.
Actually, to get the quest to find jonny, talk to the leather tanner, Balthas, and ask him what's wrong after you have introduced yourself. Jo is useless if you have already finished delivering the message from the slags.
and to get the Jonny quest from Balthas you need at least 5 on perception...or was it six?..I can't remember excactly..
Thanks everyone,

The answer turned out to be that I didn't have enough perception, only 5, and you need 6. I took some Jet, and then got the mission.

Thanks again for the help.