Toughguy Mode


First time out of the vault
Hey, I just recently started playing Tactics, and I was wondering what the toughguy button is. It doesn't allow me to use it when I create my new character, and I can't save it as toughguy mode inside of a bunker. So, what I guess I'm asking is;

What is toughguy mode/what does it do?
How do I activate it?

Any answers you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
Toughguy is the hardest level you can play the game in, but you'd have to chose that in the beginning. Can't switch to it later on (if I'm not mistaken).
Lukav said:
Hey, I just recently started playing Tactics, and I was wondering what the toughguy button is. It doesn't allow me to use it when I create my new character, and I can't save it as toughguy mode inside of a bunker. So, what I guess I'm asking is;

What is toughguy mode/what does it do?
How do I activate it?

Any answers you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
How do you mean it doesn't allow you to use it when you create your character, normally a warning will pop up telling you what the toughguy mode is, but you'll still can switch it on.

Toughguy mode is like Ironman modes in other games where you aren't allow to save during levels. To enable toughguy mode tick the box in the character creation screen (so that the red X is on) then during the game you'll only be able to save when you reach a bunker.
Toughguy means that you can only save your game in bunkers, never outside of them. In exchange, XP rewards are increased massively.
The usefulness of the swift learner perk would in the 1.00 version also be increased (and of corse though guy mode). If you chose the perk in the 1.00 it would effect all characters and after you had chosen all ranks (3) you would get 15% more plus the 30% for that you're playing though guy mode which would than net 45% more exp.