Town Name in Fo2 Mapper. Another silly question.


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
I am using Jargo's FSE to edit towns and maps, and it's working fine, but I cannot display the correct town name in the automap while in the editor. I keep getting Arroyo as a header, for exemple:

Poseidon Oil Residential

while the correct one should be: "Florence". This happens in all my maps; the names of different levels in each map are correct though.
Is it normal in the editor? If not what's the problem?
Sorry I made a silly question, folks, I found a small tutorial on the matter. By the way i am experiencing a strange bug in the mapper: after connecting maps and checking them with f8 pc i get an error message end i find miself on the worldmap. Pc is in Arroyo and is free to explore the wmap, I also found my town. Does anyone else experienced it?
so do i, each time i walk away of the town i'm working on, the pc appears leaving arroyo. it seems it happens only the first time you jeave the city. personnaly i don't care about that. i just place my citys near arroyo unless they're complete
?? Dude_Object, I solved the problem two months ago, I even forgot I made the post... No wait, you are talking about the message: sorry but I can't help, the message was too fast to read and never got it again.