Town reputation


Testament to the ghoul lifespan
Can someone tell me if the town reputation stuff is hardcoded? I am trying to figure out, how the town reputations are working.

In the global.h, we can find all entries for GVAR_TOWN_REP_x, etc. but these are normal global variables. How can I say that location x has town variable y? Is it even possible at all?

I have some locations, where I would like to get rid of the reputation entry in the character screen and some locations, where I would like these entries.
Yes, they're hardcoded. Luckly sfall already has them covered.
;Use this line to modify the list of cities and their associsated global variables used for city reputations
;Syntax is 'city id : global id',with each city/global pair seperated by a comma.
Oh damn, works. Thanks. :) I wasn't sure if there has been something written about it already and after I used the forum search function and couldn't find much useful so far, I thought there was nothing...