Town Reputations


Bear Dude
I was working on some things and noticed that town reputation was affecting my work. From there I noticed that from every town that you go to except Klamath and Vault City you are automatically neutral. I assume that is a town rep of 0, is this correct? What I am curious about is why you are automatically "Accepted" when you enter Klamath. Is there reason to this? When I enter "Vault City" my rep is "Antipathy" which makes sense I suppose since they do not trust outsiders. I was just curious why Klamath is so open to you. (that is probably the answer – they just are - lol) The reason I ask all this is out of curiosity of why Klamath acts like this, from where and where to is this town rep being called from and stored when you first enter a town, and lastly because of a problem I was working on. The problem is as follows….

Has anyone been able to get the cattle rustle quest in Klamath by first talking to the Elder (getting Klamath on your map as neutral) going straight to Klamath entering it (getting a rep of "Accepted") , talking to Torr, accepted the quest, killing the first scorpion, then lastly speaking with the Duntons. I realize you may not have done this in that order but at least going to Klamath and doing the Torr quest first. I am never able to get this quest and the reason is it checks my town rep, which according to the code inside, if you have a town rep of great than 4 you cannot do that quest. If I change this number to be great than 5 (or any number higher for that matter) then I am able to get the rustle cattle quest. Has anyone else had this problem?

Thanks for any feedback!
I can only guess that you are 'accepted' in Klamath because you come from it's closest neighbouring village and the residents of Klamath are familiar with 'tribals' and tolerate them. Sulik is already there and hasn't been kicked out, beaten up or enslaved (proper).
It seems to make sense in the context of the story/setting.

....just my own thoughts.
killap said:
The reason I ask all this is out of curiosity of why Klamath acts like this, from where and where to is this town rep being called from and stored when you first enter a town

It's in the map_enter_proc of the town entrance map scripts. With the mapper scripts you should be able to find these things if you look for them a bit.

killap said:
Has anyone been able to get the cattle rustle quest in Klamath by first talking to the Elder (getting Klamath on your map as neutral) going straight to Klamath entering it (getting a rep of "Accepted") , talking to Torr, accepted the quest, killing the first scorpion, then lastly speaking with the Duntons. I realize you may not have done this in that order but at least going to Klamath and doing the Torr quest first. I am never able to get this quest

Your initial Klamath town rep is based on CH and may affect that quest, as mentioned in my guide: "If your Charisma is 10 when you enter Klamath for the first time, your town reputation will rise to the point where the Duntons won't offer you the rustling job."
As far as I know, town reputation is usually defined by a global variable; each town should have a gvar assigned to it. For a list of global variables, refer to data/data/vault13.gam.

As to the Dunton's, I have been able to get their quest regardless of Charisma (10), as long as:
1- No other Klamath quest has been started or completed.
2- Speak to them about the job only when they are at the Golden Gecko.
3-After taking up or declining their arm-wrestle challenge, I ask them straight away about the job; I have noticed that if you bring up any other dialog at this point, they won't accept you anymore.

I have tried doing the Torr quest and asking them about the job while at the grazing area but that has never worked for me.
Ok, all three of you essentially answered all my questions. Thanks.

Per said:
Your initial Klamath town rep is based on CH and may affect that quest, as mentioned in my guide: "If your Charisma is 10 when you enter Klamath for the first time, your town reputation will rise to the point where the Duntons won't offer you the rustling job."

I just edited my character with falche and gave my self a karma of a huge negative number just before I enter Klamath. Still no dice on the rustle quest in the grazing area. I did notice that my karma of -500 went to -485 upon entering Klamath though. Interesting...
Per said:
CH is Charisma, not karma.

Doh... yes, yes... I knew that. :oops: Makes sense then. Thanks. :D

Silencer said:
So, there is a Karma rise, and it's Charisma-dependant as to its magnitude?

Not karma. I have tested many values of Charisma and I have not seen any increase in karma unless you have a value of -500, and then it will go to -485. The only thing I have noticed is that the magnitude of the initial town rep in Klamath is dependent on your Charisma, as what Per has been saying and I have recently verified.