I don't know what you really want with that... but well, here are some things i would normaly list:
1. fuel/gas tanks (if the player is unable to use it)
2. some tools (only ones the player wouldn't be able to use, but are still useful in rebuilding).
3. building materials (wood, iron and so on - if the player isn't really a MC Gyver)
4/5. seeds (if you don't have magic mixing like in F:NV)
5/5. unradiated soil/humus (if you you integrat problems for growing plants in radiated earth).
They're really close together in rank, though.
But well... looking at the sort of items you listed i would list:
1. soft drinks
2. cigaretts
3. condoms
4. Some candy that isn't any longer produced (
http://picture.yatego.com/images/4225d9b6d674a9.9/candystring.jpg *snickers*)
5. some anatomical correct things *cough cough* / Furbies / Tamagochis / volleyballs with a face painted onto them (you know all the things that make world a less lonely place for some people...)
Sorry i couldn't remain serious listing such things... well one last a bit serious one: soap.