Trainspotter's Nightmare: FO2 Music in New Vegas Question.


Still Mildly Glowing
Hey guys,

does anybody know the name of the track from the Fallout 2 soundtrack that plays on the NCR side of Primm anytime you're near Haye's tent?

It's a subtle remix of something very familiar (too subtle, sadly). Still, it made me smile to stumble across it.

You know, I never realized as a youth, but the Fallout 2 soundtrack is remarkably similar to Aphex Twin's selected ambient works, Vol II.
Re: Trainspotter's Nightmare: FO2 Music in New Vegas Questio

Anarchosyn said:
It's a subtle remix of something very familiar (too subtle, sadly). Still, it made me smile to stumble across it.

Check out this thread.
Re: Trainspotter's Nightmare: FO2 Music in New Vegas Questio

Anarchosyn said:
You know, I never realized as a youth, but the Fallout 2 soundtrack is remarkably similar to Aphex Twin's selected ambient works, Vol II.

Let's be frank, it's not "subtly similar", Mark Morgan outright ripped off some tracks. :)
It isn't the only track, yep. But check the link Lexx provided, there it gets explained a bit better.