Trash interview at Experience Gaming


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Experience Gaming has a short interview with Mark Currie, lead programmer of the Post-Apocalyptic RTS Trash. The interview mostly covers the development studio, Inhuman Games, and also mentions some general information about the game. A snippet:<blockquote>XG: Why the name Trash in the first place?

MC: In the early days, we referred to our project internally as “Wasteland”, but that name turned out to be trademarked. We eventually came up with “Trash” because trash is the primary resource in the game. You harvest trash, build war machines with it, and then you try to turn your opponents into it. The word trash is also easy to remember and it provides for interesting interview titles such as, “Trash Talking with Mark Currie”.</blockquote>
Link: Interview at Experience Gaming
Spotted at Blue's News
What an aptly named game.

Is it just me, or is the misuse and general raping of the term "Post Apocalyptic" becoming something of an epidemic in the world of "fringe" gaming? I can just see the brainstorming that went in preproduction:

Designer: "Ohshit. Let's do an RTS. Since the RTS market is a little bit competitive at the moment, we should do something different.. like use ALIEN RACES!"
Publisher: "That's a great idea! The market wouldn't see that one coming! Maybe you could make the aliens look faintly like the ones from X-Com, though?
Designer: "Great idea. Fab! I think we should market it as a POST APOCALYPTIC RTS to draw in those needy Fallout kids that so badly need a fix... we can even replace vespene gas and mineral mining with something PostApoc'esque, like TRASH!"

From everything I've seen on this particular game, it looks like it will be a monstrously bad cross between X-Com, Starcraft, and a steaming pile of shit. Just looking at the screen shots makes me wonder if HIV can be transmitted electronically.

Have any of you had the almost certain misfortune of test driving the beta software?
Last I checked it was an Online RTS, not an RPG.

And Trash existed for way more than a year. I downloaded and played it about a year ago when they were advertised for being in a public testing stage. It was kinda fun for a while, although it got a wee bit repetitive.

It's not a bandwagon game tho.
Graphics suck beyond belief. From artistic aspect, the game looks about as post-apocalyptic as Warcraft III. The web site is laughable (tell me they aren't really using pure HTML).

Why must all new "post-apocalyptic" games be so mediocre?
Ratty said:
The web site is laughable (tell me they aren't really using pure HTML).


HTML isn't to blame for bad design skills of the web authors. Now go and rant about some Flash pages before I hit you with my +10 Spork of Web Authoring.
While the game over all does look laughable I do like a few of the ideas they are introducing such as making everything salvageable, and elimitiating retroactive upgrades. If only they put more effort into developing the game, they would have a winner. Instead, they will pursue a standard of mediocrity that seems to plague the gaming industry.