Travel Time Way Too Slow


First time out of the vault
So I recently installed Killap's Unofficial patch which has decreased my world map travel time significantly. I've Googled this over and over again and none of the fixes I've found have worked. I've modified the ddraw.ini file so many times and I see absolutely no change each time.

I understand that the slow map speed is the way the game is supposed to be, but I can't stand it. I got used to the way it was pre-patch and I'm very impatient. Can anyone help me out?
these are older functions of sfall,not sure the travel speed one works,can try it,the time slow function above the obsolete ones(ones im suggesting you try)is the only reason i know of them

;World map travel time percentage modifier
;Modifies how fast in game time passes while you're moving around the map screen without affecting encounter rate
;The pathfinder fix needs to be turned on for this to work
;100 is normal speed, 0 stops time from passing

;XX ;This will change the physical speed at which you move across the map
;XX ;Set to 0 to leave at the default. (i.e. limited by vwait in windowed mode, or by processor speed in fullscreen)
;XX ;If set to something other than 0, it enforces a maximum fps on the world map screen.
;XX ;Changing this to something other than 0 is not recommended if you've already applied a world map speed patch to your fallout exe.
;XX WorldMapFPS=0
;XX ;Only set to 1 if your systems high performance timer is unreliable for some reason
;XX ForceLowResolutionTimer=0
;XX ;Set to 1 to enable Ray's patch to make world map encounter rate independent of your travel speed
;XX WorldMapEncounterFix=0
;XX WorldMapEncounterRate=6
;XX ;Obsolete, but can still be used if you know what it does.
;XX ;WorldMapDelay=0

You've given no information about your setup, so I'm going to have to take a particularly big stab in the dark here: Have you made the mistake of installing fallout to the program files folder and are now suffering UAC issues, and not editing the ini you think you're editing?
Timeslip said:
You've given no information about your setup, so I'm going to have to take a particularly big stab in the dark here: Have you made the mistake of installing fallout to the program files folder and are now suffering UAC issues, and not editing the ini you think you're editing?

Yes, Fallout is installed in the programs folder (C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2). The ddraw.ini I'm editing resides in that folder as well.

@Nirran - I've tried editing the Obsolete section as well but it doesn't help.
So after some more digging, I see found a topic which mentions if you're running Windows 7, which I am, to not install to the Program files director. However, it doesn't mention why or a recommended directory so I created a folder on my desktop and I'll do a clean install there. I'll let you know if it works.
SonOfBelial said:
Yes, Fallout is installed in the programs folder (C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2). The ddraw.ini I'm editing resides in that folder as well.

However, it doesn't mention why or a recommended directory
If you don't know why not to install to program files, then I very much doubt the ini you've been editing is really the one in program files. You'll probably find that you've actually been editing the one in c:\users\[yourname]\appdata\local\virtualstore\program files\... instead. :P

Whenever I'm telling people off for installing to program files, I always recommend using c:\games\. I would certainly advise against installing to the desktop, or anywhere else in /users for that matter.

Edit: A quote from the faq:
myself said:
Cannot edit ddraw.ini, or ddraw.ini edits don't seem to have any effect

If you're on vista or windows 7 and have UAC enabled, then do _not_ install fallout 2 to the program files directory. Instead pick a path like 'C:\Games\Fallout2'. The same thing applies to any game that you wish to mod. The program files directory is protected by windows, and you'll find yourself either unable to modify the files in it, or your files will end up getting mixed with copies in the virtualstore.
Thanks for the explanation. I'll do that later tonight and see if it works.

Strangely enough, the everything seemed a little faster when running it from the Desktop but it was late and I didn't get a chance to really mess around with it too much last night.

Thanks for all your help.
I feel like an idiot.

So I've installed the game to a folder directly on the C: drive (C:\Fallout). The first thing I noticed is that now I can't seem to save my game. I installed the game, Killap's unofficial patch, then the resolution patch the same way I have every time. The game loads, I'm at the temple, but I can't save. :-( Haven't even tried the map travel yet since saving might be a little more important.
I strongly suggest installing it to Your Documents folder, Desktop or the best solution: Other drive.
Drive C is protected by system and there are various reasons why it might fail or unable to save
I strongly suggest installing it to Your Documents folder, Desktop or the best solution: Other drive.
Drive C is protected by system and there are various reasons why it might fail or unable to save

Timeslip suggested saving to C:\.... Lol.

Anyway, I uninstalled, then reinstalled again to the C:\ directory, it now only saves, but editing the ddraw.ini file actually seems to work now! YAY! All I changed was WorldMapDelay2 from 66 to 1. It didn't make map travel super fast, but much faster than what it was. The super slow crawl that it was originally was unbearable. But now, it takes about a second and a half to travel from square to square. Thanks for your patience Timeslip. I swear I'm not a computer newb, I'm just not as intimately aware of Windows 7 nuances as I am with XP.

Thanks again!
SonOfBelial said:
I strongly suggest installing it to Your Documents folder, Desktop or the best solution: Other drive.
Drive C is protected by system and there are various reasons why it might fail or unable to save

Timeslip suggested saving to C:\.... Lol.
I did indeed. There's no advantage to installing to a different drive over using a non-protected folder on C. And using somewhere in /users wouldn't really hurt fallout, unless you had a really long username and ended up going over the pathlength limit or something; it's more of a problem with windows. Overfilling your user directory can add a few seconds to your login/logoff times.

Glad it's working now in any case. :)