Tribals, Gauss weapons?


Still Mildly Glowing
I can't find either, I think I head someone say they grew up as a tribal though but.. doesn't seem to be any around D.C. Gauss weapons too, in the museum there is an exhibit for a prototype Gauss weapon but that's it so, I mean... are there no Gauss weapons at all in FO3?
I can't find either, I think I head someone say they grew up as a tribal though but.. doesn't seem to be any around D.C.

Nope. Tribals probably tend to live in the more rural parts of the country. The Outcasts tend to call all people aside from BOS and the Enclave "tribals". The only character that used to be an actual tribal is Crow, one of the merchants.

Gauss weapons too, in the museum there is an exhibit for a prototype Gauss weapon but that's it so, I mean... are there no Gauss weapons at all in FO3?

Confalone said:
Gauss weapons too, in the museum there is an exhibit for a prototype Gauss weapon but that's it so, I mean... are there no Gauss weapons at all in FO3?

The Enclave is here, but no Gauss, huh?

Probably it was too hard for Bethesda to create it ^^

I can't find either, I think I head someone say they grew up as a tribal though but.. doesn't seem to be any around D.C.

The location is too small and too dense to make a "tribal" feeling. If there were any, they should be called something like "Wasters" :P
We can assume that the regular APA still looked as in FO2, and only the APA Mk2 looks like it does in FO3 (which makes sense, since it was made from different materials, so why should it look the same as the original APA?)