Trivia query


First time out of the vault
Hi all - this question's more trivia than game problems, hence I'm sticking it here..

I had finished FO2 and was continuing playing along wiping out all the towns on the map (the deathclaw genocide ending inspired me :twisted: ) when my HDD crashed out. (which was a bit extreme, even for a FO bug :)). I'm curious, if i had suceeded, would i have got any special perks, etc, for wiping out every town? (like childkiller)

And in the enclave, reactor level, there is a room with a "door entry computer" that looks like a lift and lots of other interesting stuff, but no way in according to assorted walkthroughs and a few hours of looking. Is this just scenery, or a left-over from an unimplemented quest?
Well, for killing a lot of people you'll get the Berserker status... for killing everyone in Vault City you should actually gain karma...
Morpoggel said:
Well, for killing a lot of people you'll get the Berserker status...

If they're "good-aligned".

Morpoggel said:
for killing everyone in Vault City you should actually gain karma...

But you won't.

Dix said:
Hi all - this question's more trivia than game problems, hence I'm sticking it here..

It's about gameplay trivia, so off to the gameplay forum it goes.

Dix said:
And in the enclave, reactor level, there is a room with a "door entry computer" that looks like a lift and lots of other interesting stuff, but no way in according to assorted walkthroughs and a few hours of looking. Is this just scenery, or a left-over from an unimplemented quest?

You mean the room with machinery and a lift in the middle to the north-east? No, you can't get there.

Refer to Per's guide for most info on Fallout 2.