<Ausir> <Ausir> why are the asian hats called "asian hats"? there's no Asia on Oerth
. also, people saying "+1 sword" in dialogue is not good...
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[01:20] <[troika]hnguyen> dolly dress up fun, of course!
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[01:20] <TimCain> The asian hats were thrown in for fun, but you are right. I should have changed the name
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[01:20] <[Troika]Steve> Craig, you modeled the "asian hat"? I think it went in and nobody ever renamed it.
[01:21] <ReAnimator> I only used that name for a description at the time
[01:21] <[troika]hnguyen> we could have been PC and named it oriental hat i suppose?
[01:21] <[troika]hnguyen>
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[01:21] <TimCain> As for saying +1 sword, well, weak magical sword seemed undetailed
[01:22] * TimCain says "Done"
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[01:22] <Spazmo> <Ares> Question: The patch issue with Atari, has it been resolved and is it a go, or will ToEE be abanddoned by the publisher and putting all the burden on Troika
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[01:22] <[Troika]Tom> We're still negotiating this with Atari
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[01:23] * TimCain says "Done"
[01:23] <Exitium> <Ares> At a later point will the M rated amterial be put in as an "unofficial" patch? Done.
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[01:23] <TimCain> Atari still approves the patches and demos. So no.
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[01:24] <[Troika]Steve> I really don't think so. If at all, which I really doubt, it would have to be done in an official capacity.
[01:24] <TimCain> I do have a Quotes File, like in Arcanum and Fallout. I plan to post it on Troika's webpage
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[01:24] * TimCain says "Done"
[01:24] <[Troika]Tom> We may have to do an unofficial patch to fix some bugs, but we probably can't add this content back in
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[01:26] <Ausir> <bheathrow> QUESTION: Has "Against the Giants" been greenlighted, and has there been any (joking or non-joking) remarks about a release of "Beyond the Barrier Peaks" D&D/Sci-Fi module?
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[01:26] <TimCain> Nope, AtG has not been greenlighted.
[01:26] <[Troika]Tom> No green light here
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[01:27] <[Troika]Steve> I think the official answer is we have no further news regarding another project at this time. As soon as we have information we can give out we will.
[01:27] <TimCain> Nothing on BtBP or ToH either.
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[01:27] * TimCain says "Done"
[01:27] <Spazmo> <Ghetto_Goose> Can you tell us anything about the Post-Apocolyptic looking pictures Chris Glenn did? Will we be seeing another TC Made Post-Apocgame? Anything else you can reveal?
[01:27] <TimCain> I can say they look GREAT!
[01:28] <[Troika]Steve> Glenn is an excellent artist, I thought it was rather awsome myself.
[01:28] <TimCain> Other than that...I can
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[01:28] <TimCain> 't sya anything
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[01:28] * TimCain says "Done"
[01:29] <Exitium> <MetalWyrm> did Atari make you publish ToEE too soon, thus leaving some of the more apparent bugs?
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[01:29] <[Troika]Steve> Those aren't really decisions that developers get to make. It is often the job of the publisher to decide when they feel a product is ready.
[01:29] <TimCain> Well, look, they are OUR bugs. But yes, I wish we had had more QA time. I always do.
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[01:30] <[Troika]Tom> Yeah...our contract ran out with them and they didn't want to pay us further, so our money ran out...but I think we all would have liked another month on it
[01:30] * TimCain says "Done"
[01:30] <[Troika]Steve> I also think the game could have benefited from additional testing, again, these aren't always the decisions of the developers.
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[01:30] <Ausir> <soylent> I noticed there wasn't any credit given to the voice actors in either the manual or in-game credits. Were professionals hired and who was incharge of that? You guys or Atari?
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[01:31] <[Troika]Steve> Tom did all the voice work himself in his basement... j/k he actually handled most of it and can answer most this question.
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[01:31] <[Troika]Tom> Professionals handled this, but the director I chose went non-Union against my request...
[01:31] <[Troika]Tom> So we could not put their names in the credits
[01:31] <[Troika]Steve> We wanted the rock to do our voices.
[01:32] <[Troika]Steve> And Vin Deisil.
[01:32] * TimCain says "Done"
[01:32] <[Troika]Steve> He plays D&D.
[01:32] <Spazmo> <soylent> Do you plan to make provisions for choosing a character's skin color in any future patch?
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[01:32] <ReAnimator> not at this time
[01:33] <[Troika]Steve> Nope, texture recoloring was a limitation that crept into the engine early on and we decided to avoid it. The hair itself is hanlded by 8 different colored textures on the models. With severe rewriting we can change it but it most likely would not be for a patch.
[01:33] * [Troika]Steve says "Done too."
[01:33] <Exitium> <soylent> Why do things like boots and gloves slow down your player but not add any AC? Was that a design decision or a bug?
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[01:33] <[troika]hnguyen> a tasty bug!
[01:33] <[Troika]Steve> Thats most likely a bug, there are a variety of items that went in as complements to heavy armors that somehow inherited their weight reducing problems.
[01:34] <[Troika]Steve> Chain gloves I think do this, Huy may know more items off the top of his head.
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[01:34] <TimCain> They don't add AC in D&D 3.5. That's not a bug.
[01:34] <[Troika]Steve> Yeah, and what Tim said too. They are mostly cosmetic. Otherwise your feet look barefoot and silly.
[01:35] * TimCain says "Done"
[01:35] <[Troika]Steve> There reason the slots exist are for magic boots/gloves, but regular ones help dolly dressup.
[01:35] <ReAnimator> well we could have built the boots and gloves into the armors
[01:36] * TimCain says "Done, really"
[01:36] <Ausir> <HA|Riparian> I like the Fog of War/ visibility in the dungeons, however when it's above ground, is that ring of darkness a D&D 3.5 effect or is itsomething to make the game run better on slower machines? And is there a wayto turn off the ring of solid black?
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[01:37] <[Troika]Steve> We had considered turning off fogging in towns but different factions of the team did or didn't like them for various reasons. I think the only maps that are unfogged are the random encounter maps.
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[01:37] <[Troika]Steve> You can however turn down the number of fog checks per frame.
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[01:38] <[Troika]Steve> Dropping it to 1 should improve performance a lot.
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[01:38] <TimCain> Fogging looks best at 800x600
[01:38] * TimCain says "Done"
[01:38] <ReAnimator> my vote was for no fog in outdoor safe areas
[01:38] <Exitium> <Mearas> Besides removing the kids, has the game been altered in any other signigicant way as a result of switching ratings?
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[01:38] <TimCain> Yes. Several dialogs and quests were removed entirely, as were some characters.
[01:38] <[troika]hnguyen> your vote means NOTHING reanimator!!! *RAWR*
[01:39] <[Troika]Tom> One whole map with side quests, the brothel in Nulb, was removed
[01:39] <ReAnimator> ouch!
[01:39] <TimCain> Plus, Tom said some bad words in a few dialogs...
[01:39] <TimCain>
[01:39] <[troika]hnguyen>
[01:39] <[Troika]Steve> Code was generally untouched for the censors, so I had smooth sailing.
[01:39] <[troika]hnguyen> i wish the bad words were still in
[01:40] <TimCain> Also, you will notice that Dick Rentsch is now just Rentsch
[01:40] <[Troika]Tom> Tim used a bad word once, too!
[01:40] <TimCain> I did?
[01:40] <ReAnimator> I had to cover up some private areas on some models
[01:40] <[Troika]Steve> Because Richard is such a horrible name to name someone.
[01:40] <[troika]hnguyen> LOL
[01:40] * TimCain says "Done"
[01:40] <Spazmo> <Human_Shield> Personal question: Do you guys read manuals (even large ones) before playing?
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[01:41] <ReAnimator> line by line
[01:41] <[Troika]Steve> I love reading manuals in the car on the ride home from the game store.
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[01:41] <TimCain> I always read manuals. But I am quirky.
[01:41] <[Troika]Steve> I then usually pick them up again after I play once or twice.
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[01:41] <TimCain> Spiral bindings are clues: Use this manual!
[01:41] <[troika]hnguyen> i don't.
[01:41] <[Troika]Tom> I don't usually read them ahead of time...but I use them as reference
[01:42] <TimCain> Most games just come with instructions pamphlets, anyway...
[01:42] <[Troika]Steve> The manuals I use a lot have little sticky notes in them, I think all the char creation and spells sections in my Wizardry8 manual are filled with postits.
[01:42] <[troika]hnguyen> postits?
[01:42] * TimCain says "Done"
[01:42] <TimCain> negtits?
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[01:42] <Ausir> <BuddyRich> Are there any magical clothing in ToEE (excluding cloaks). Ie a Mage robe or two? Also why no belts, gloves of giant strength don't sound right.also props on the bikini mystic outfit!
[01:43] <ReAnimator> woo hoo
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[01:43] <[troika]hnguyen> i think it was difficult to justify adding belts + belt slot just for a belt of giant strength, or something like that.
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[01:43] <[troika]hnguyen> so it became gloves of giant strength
[01:43] <TimCain> We have gloves of dex
[01:44] * [troika]hnguyen gives props to the Art Team
[01:44] <TimCain> We gave priority to items appearing in the module
[01:44] <TimCain> Then we added as many base D&D magic items as we could
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[01:45] * TimCain says "Done"
[01:45] <Exitium> <EEVIAC> Does the ToEE engine have a longevity beyond D&D or do Troika have plans to go to new engine (not including Bloodlines) ?
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[01:46] <TimCain> It all depends on what we do next.
[01:46] <[Troika]Steve> Well there are some parts of it I totally hate, and some parts that I think are really great. It isn't impossible that the engine could be reused again, but I kinda want to see a new codebase one of these days.
[01:46] <[Troika]Steve> Some parts of it are old and battered and abused, I certain layers just need to be put out of their misery.
[01:46] <ReAnimator> new engine = good
[01:47] * TimCain wrote those parts
[01:47] * TimCain says "Done"