When Less Is Less
When Less Is Less
Always like to be up on any activity of companies that NMA monitors.
Thanks for the 'warm and fuzzy' moment.
About another company and potential product, MS says:
And I'm afraid of what this remake, if it will be made, of Wasteland
from Obsidian, will be... may be it'll be some kind of -lighter-?
Wasteland "Lite".
What would be fascinatingly funny, what if Obsidian used a derivative of the Snowblind, run the gauntlet, engine for this possible remake of "Wasteland", like the remake of 'Bard's Tale' , and in all the modern 3D, Real Time, graphic eye candy, there was LESS role playing and LESS character development than in the old DOS Wasteland.
The zip file for DOS Wasteland is less than a meg.
The pdf's of the manual and the paragraphs are about a quarter meg.
Hardly enough room for a heart beat in these modern Gigibite times.
Yet the 'safe' standards of entertainment production engineering might be hard pressed to fit a RPG heart in multiple gigs of even a DVD format. A 'heartless' game, a 'soulless' game is LESS a game, and less entertaining also. Speculation could include that such a clone would be LESS PROFITABLE too, but all these smart and swarmy corporate types
pay themselves first any way, so will save my reptilian tears for the "'hourly' drones" and semi independant, sub contractors.
Just another potential "empty" box to clutter the retail shelves before it's laid to rest in the bargain bin crypt.
Less funny or more sad, if 'Wasteland'(The Remake) is -just- another ... remake zombie.