Troika hiring!


Carbon Dated and Proud
Briosafreak informed me that Troika is looking for people, here's what they need:
  • Senior Rendering & Tools Programmer
  • Designer/Writer
  • Character Modeler
  • Concept Artist
Could this mean that they have found a publisher for that PA game?
Link: Jobs@Troika
Me thinks it is too early to say something? 8)

This would fill my heart with hope, the weather outside here
screams for a post apoc game, I'm trying to get Wasteland
running with a Dos Emulator these days, cause I need a break
from playing Fallout too much.
And I'm afraid of what this remake, if it will be made, of Wasteland
from Obsidian, will be... may be it'll be some kind of -lighter-?
Don't get me wrong, but I'm suspicous.
By reading Troika, hey, I could play Arcanum over again. :)
When Less Is Less

When Less Is Less

Always like to be up on any activity of companies that NMA monitors.
Thanks for the 'warm and fuzzy' moment.

About another company and potential product, MS says:
And I'm afraid of what this remake, if it will be made, of Wasteland
from Obsidian, will be... may be it'll be some kind of -lighter-?

Wasteland "Lite".

What would be fascinatingly funny, what if Obsidian used a derivative of the Snowblind, run the gauntlet, engine for this possible remake of "Wasteland", like the remake of 'Bard's Tale' , and in all the modern 3D, Real Time, graphic eye candy, there was LESS role playing and LESS character development than in the old DOS Wasteland.

The zip file for DOS Wasteland is less than a meg.
The pdf's of the manual and the paragraphs are about a quarter meg.

Hardly enough room for a heart beat in these modern Gigibite times.

Yet the 'safe' standards of entertainment production engineering might be hard pressed to fit a RPG heart in multiple gigs of even a DVD format. A 'heartless' game, a 'soulless' game is LESS a game, and less entertaining also. Speculation could include that such a clone would be LESS PROFITABLE too, but all these smart and swarmy corporate types
pay themselves first any way, so will save my reptilian tears for the "'hourly' drones" and semi independant, sub contractors.

Just another potential "empty" box to clutter the retail shelves before it's laid to rest in the bargain bin crypt.

Less funny or more sad, if 'Wasteland'(The Remake) is -just- another ... remake zombie.

Re: When Less Is Less

4too said:
About another company and potential product, MS says:
And I'm afraid of what this remake, if it will be made, of Wasteland
from Obsidian, will be... may be it'll be some kind of -lighter-?

Less funny or more sad, if 'Wasteland'(The Remake) is -just- another ... remake zombie.


Is this the same Obsidian the is doing both KOTOR II and NWN 2? If so, then maybe it has the possibility of not sucking donkey balls. But I know that they will prove me wrong and publish even more garbage for the post-apocalyptic future.
Yeah, shouldn`t it be InXile, since they now own the license? The game wasn`t going to be developed in house though.
Yes, that is true, my mistake. So, I'm still not less afraid
of what will be made of it, what is known about Bard's Tale
till to these days scares me.
I was used to get my old C-64 and my TV card twitched
together once in a while, and playing it over again.
The Mad God Tarjan, Mangars Castle, so many hours
of lifetime wasted...
But no, the impressions, the story, this spreads no hope
for the sequel of one of the greatest RPGs ever.
Damn. I'd like to work on a full-scale title after finishing this graphics degree.
Fig Leaf

Fig Leaf

... what if Obsidian ...

Let me trade in this political season's universal ploy of mouth stuffing,
by extracting my own foot, from mouth, and grasping at my own "what if", attempting to use it as a conditional fig leaf.

"4too NEVER said ""Obsidian"" he said ""what if Obsidian "" , and NEVER can be held (ah ... directly) responsible for any confusion or culpable liabilities.

Or, ...


O.K. InXile,

my offical posture of 'hip' humor still stands tall,

... shoeless, (my oral orifice is insufficient to lodge size 12 wide steel toed) but still I maintain a petulant swagger to weave that essential silent screen of denial.

[ Now, a desperate foray at misdirection. ]

"Look UP THERE, isn't that the GOODYEAR BLIMP!?!"


[Exit: stage left.]

Man, I hope Troika has a new gig backed by a publisher. A fresh, new PA CRPG would be great!
Totally tits. An acquiantance of mine is trying to get work as a modeler. Hopefully he hasn't already started working for Comcast. And then, hopefully gets the job.
Nothing new to add. Just another person wishing you good luck Corith.

Can we interview you if you get the job?