trouble installing restoration mod

Steam Engenius

First time out of the vault
I recently got Fallout 2 v1.00 and was able to install it for Windows 7. The only probelm is I cannot get rid of the rainbow effects that plague the game once I run it (alt+tab has not yielded any success). I thought of installing the restoration mod in hopes that maybe the higher res will help but when I try to install it an error occurs at the last second.

the window reads error; 5 access denied

Any suggestions would be appreciated. :)
right click on the the RP exe then compatibility settings / run as admin, the rainbow colours problem can be fixed in a few ways, you can create a text file and add the following

taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
C:\"full path to the game exe"
start explorer.exe

then save then rename the file extension with filename.bat

there is also sfall that RP already includes, and when you first start the game, go to options then sfall, and choose full screen then restart, but the rainbow effect is very common problem in old games under vista and win 7

so the above code I found to work on every game,
Thanks I'll give that a shot.

One newbie question, is the path to the game the folder containing the application or the application itself?
to the exe itself, sorry that I didn;t make that clear, you need to include quotes " if the path includes any spaces,

"c:\program files\fallout2\fallout2.exe"

or something like that, (depending on where you installed the program of course)