kenshindono said:
The games are really hard to find anywhere these days, and im pretty sure black isle isn't even around anymore, so i just downloaded it. I had never actually 'pirated' anything before so i had to do a bunch of digging how to even get it working, lol
Well... the games are on Gametap, and it's not really that hard to order the jewel case online.
...Okay, maybe the earlier games are harder to find now, I don't know, the last time I had to check was around '03 or so. Very true on figuring out how to get it working, though. Newer OS' are *supposed* to be backward compatible, but rarely are- especially MS' stuff. They're pretty notorious for that.
I didn't say the game sucks i said the controls and interface suck.. and they DO. Love the games all you want but theres no way you can defend this interface. Even for its time it would still be considered bad. Like i said diablo 1 came out around the same time and was way smoother
I know you said the interface sucks. It still doesn't, though. I know, because I've been a fan of Diablo since it came out- a bit before, actually, since I was following the previews on the Blizzard site- and I've been a fan of Fallout since about '99 or 2000. I had the full box and manual with Diablo 1 and 2, even bought both strategy guides (D2's before LoD came out) and just had box and game for FO1, and *without going online*, figured out the controls for myself. How's that for intuitive?
As to "bad?" Not even close. I could definitely list some games with bad controls at the time, but FO1 wasn't one of them.
Ah i remember reading in F3 that you have to keep weapons repaired assumed it was the same here. Guess i just had bad luck, my small arms skill is kinda low
Bethseda's radically changed the way skills work- even just based on the trickles of info we've had from 'previews' and people who went to that Penny Arcade event about a month ago- and having to repair guns is one of those things. It's really sort of a "high fantasy-ization" of the Fallout universe.... but I digress. If you've got a low Firearms skill, you won't hit or (if it's really low- like closer to the 20s) may have a critical failure and lose your weapon. It also may happen if you have a low (below 5) Luck attribute. That's a strange, strange atrribute.
as for trading with that doctor.. hmm i didn't see a dialog option at all, he just kept saying if only i had a poison sample. so i try opening barter up and i cant put it on the table. My char actually has a rather high speach skill, maybe i'll finish clearing the cave and try again i had left a few alive because i was pretty injured
You don't barter the tails with him; if you have the tails (unless your version has a minor bug in it) he should ask for it, then go make the antidote. Remember not to ask him to do anything at night, though. He hates that.
I do think fallout 3 looks great, but thats not to say i dont like old rpgs or strat games. My favorite rpg of all time is suikoden 1
I think fallout 3 looks good on its own but obviously i havent played the originals like you guys have.
I'm honestly going to reserve judgement until I can play it. Play, not buy. I really don't have any interest in giving cash to Bethseda because of all the crummy aspects I've seen so far and the fact that giving them a successful title will only encourage them. And because of their *wonderful* interactions with the fan community.
It looks... okay to me. It is a bit behind the times, and the animations, especially walking animations, look pretty bad, but it might be an okay game. It'd just be much easier to deal with as a non-Fallout title.