trying to finish game in enclave but am really stuck!! Help


First time out of the vault
I left my party members on the presidential level and went to the lower lvl alone so I would not be attacked. i convinced Tom Murray to shut down the reactor. I took the circular stairs in the south of the presidents lvl and ender up in the barracks. The minute I step out of the elevator the freaking robotic turret starts shooting. I did not clear out this lvl when I first entered the enclave so its packed with soldiers! Given that I am alone and wearing advanced power armour should they not leave me alone?
you porbably attacked someone or said something in conversation but does it do it to you on any of the other levels?
If you still haven't found a solution to this problem, then my only suggestion is to use Fallout 2 Character editor and kill them all. Atleast that's what I would do... :D
They have turned the real fun begins. Take them on and die…yes you will die because there is a ten minute time limit for you to reach Frank and defeat him, and where you are located you have little chance. Restart the Enclave location or at least return to an earlier save. Remember to always save in a fresh slot with every new location, and then just use the quicksave option. :wink: