First time out of the vault

Although the only closest mod I can think of that currently exist is this (download link in the thread) called the "Lone Courier" which changes your character's dialogue to be more like the Courier with screenshots below:
Especially This:
Anyways I wonder if anyone in the "No Mutants Allowed" community would try to expand this concept with you playing as the Courier with not only a few alterations with the main quest (like changing "Dad" to "James" for example) but also having the Courier going around and pointing out how absurd Bethesda's Fallout truly is sorta like a "Alice in Wonderland" feel although this mod in question is probably the only closest one that actually does this though.

Especially This:

Anyways I wonder if anyone in the "No Mutants Allowed" community would try to expand this concept with you playing as the Courier with not only a few alterations with the main quest (like changing "Dad" to "James" for example) but also having the Courier going around and pointing out how absurd Bethesda's Fallout truly is sorta like a "Alice in Wonderland" feel although this mod in question is probably the only closest one that actually does this though.