[TTW] Playing Fallout 3 as the Courier...


First time out of the vault
Although the only closest mod I can think of that currently exist is this (download link in the thread) called the "Lone Courier" which changes your character's dialogue to be more like the Courier with screenshots below:




Especially This:


Anyways I wonder if anyone in the "No Mutants Allowed" community would try to expand this concept with you playing as the Courier with not only a few alterations with the main quest (like changing "Dad" to "James" for example) but also having the Courier going around and pointing out how absurd Bethesda's Fallout truly is sorta like a "Alice in Wonderland" feel although this mod in question is probably the only closest one that actually does this though.
If someone were to make a mod like that, they could spin it as the Fallout 3 portion being a wacky dream sequence.
Or making true the theory of it being a Campfire tale in the West. Depending on how much of an ass are you, you get a bigger reward when you end the story.
Or making true the theory of it being a Campfire tale in the West. Depending on how much of an ass are you, you get a bigger reward when you end the story.

Well what I have in mind though is only when you start in NV first before traveling to FO3 via the train station when you have the Start Menu option enabled (since I heard if you don't, then it takes you to the beginning of FO3 possibly the prospect of remaking your entire character all over again at least I heard) which means the context of the main quests (and side quests and DLCs) change being that you're playing as the Courier not the Lone Wanderer (which I'm thinking of having them meet eventually...) which has the Courier going around pointing out how absurdly bad FO3 really is and probably being the only badass around in the "Capital Wasteland".
Well what I have in mind though is only when you start in NV first before traveling to FO3 via the train station when you have the Start Menu option enabled (since I heard if you don't, then it takes you to the beginning of FO3 possibly the prospect of remaking your entire character all over again at least I heard) which means the context of the main quests (and side quests and DLCs) change being that you're playing as the Courier not the Lone Wanderer (which I'm thinking of having them meet eventually...) which has the Courier going around pointing out how absurdly bad FO3 really is and probably being the only badass around in the "Capital Wasteland".
I meant that you do play as the LW, but it is self aware as he is a character narrated by the old drunken Prospectors and your own Courier sitting around a bonfire with a whole bunch of Nuka Cola and Whisky coctail.
It would be hard to chang ethe whole narration in Fallout 3, so that's discarded :P
I meant that you do play as the LW, but it is self aware as he is a character narrated by the old drunken Prospectors and your own Courier sitting around a bonfire with a whole bunch of Nuka Cola and Whisky coctail.
It would be hard to chang ethe whole narration in Fallout 3, so that's discarded :P

And the drunken prospectors names are Todd Howard and Pete Hines....

Although originally I had in mind of your own Courier character actually being physically there with the story being different than the LW's but I think that would be tad difficult though but the main reasoning behind this is because not only you don't have to recreate your character but also I would like to have a sense of taking your baddass Courier character to Bethland as well to put them to shame.
Heya mate. I remember you from the TTW forums :postviper:.

While I like your idea (I think I said it already in the TTW forums), I don't think you will be successful in getting people from NMA to help with making it happen.
First because most people around here do not like the FO3 game. Second because there aren't many FNV modders around here (I can only think of maybe... Three FNV modders around, me included). :-(

Anyway, nice to see you around here too :nod:.