Tweaking alcohol

Wounded Ronin

First time out of the vault
Since, using Cubik's item editor, it only takes a few keystrokes to do so, I decided to modify alcohol a little bit in the mod which I am working on.

In real life, people usually drink alcohol as much as they can if they get the chance. In Fallout, though, buying and drinking alcohol was always kind of a waste because it cost money, took up some time, and lowered your Perception. I don't think that that leads to realistic role playing, though, since you're just getting the bad effects of alcohol and none of the good ones.

I decided to represent how alcohol makes you hurt less if you've been injured but hurt worse in the morning with the following adjustments:

**All alcohol still lowers Perception as normal

1.) Beer restores 5 hitpoints
2.) Liquor restores 15 hitpoints but subtracts 10 hitpoints in the medium term to represent hangover.
3.) Gamma gulp beer is the same as liquor
4.) Rontgen rum restores 25 hitpoints and subtracts 25 in the medium term.
5.) Rotgut restores 10 hitpoints but subtracts 20 later because it's really nasty stuff and it makes your hangover extra terrible.

It's also possible now to die of alcohol poisoning, I guess. :lol:

Drinking rotgut could kill some level 1 characters, which I think is funny.

EDIT: I'm also considering adding some minor damage resistance. Because that's pretty realistic and would be another incentive to booze.

I also just noticed that nuka cola is addictive but alcohol isn't. Go figure.
I'm no boozehound, so my opinion here isn't worth that much, but I don't think you should let alcohol heal hit points. At least not so many. Maybe 1 or 2 once in a while.

Letting alcohol give you a minor, temporary bonus to damage resistance, however, sounds like a great idea. I keep hearing stories of drunk people getting into all kinds of accidents and not noticing them until the morning after...even broken legs.
Unkillable Cat said:
Letting alcohol give you a minor, temporary bonus to damage resistance, however, sounds like a great idea. I keep hearing stories of drunk people getting into all kinds of accidents and not noticing them until the morning after...even broken legs.

True true...

As for the healing bit. I think the alcohol should have an max alowed amount that wil heal you. Drinking 20 beer and healing you for 100 hp doesn't seem to make much sence.

I don't think its possible to implent this but it's just my opinion.
You can get addicted to alcohol in the game? I never knew that...

Thats a bug in my opinion..
Yes, I agree that alcohol does deserve a little tweaking. What was said earlier makes sense: not as many hit points and a slight damage resistance would be sensible. But I think that, going with your idea about medium-term effects, some hit points should be gained initially, but have more taken off (not the same or less) as part of the long-term effects (that hangover that was mentioned).
If I could suggest, during this 'hangover' period, your character should really be crappy, so you only drink it when either not in a fight, or when you really need it and you have nothing to lose. Perhaps a temporary loss in Agility, and maybe an added loss to Perception when you drink Rotgut? Apparently that stuff really tears you up in real life*.

*Note: There is such a drink called rotgut. Usually just crappy moonshine, though.