Twilight 2000 for Free


Night Watchman
Staff member
We've been tipped off that DriveThruRPG is selling Twilight 2000, a post-apocalyptic RPG for $0.00 as a downloadable PDF.<blockquote>Twilight: 2000 is a complete role-playing system for survival in a devastated post-holcaust world. Rules cover character generation, living off the land, encounters, combat, skills and skill improvement, medicine, vehicles, ammunition, trade and much more.</blockquote>Hell, why not?

Link: Twilight 2000 game at DriveThruRPG
Twilight 2000 free download

This had some pretty bad image quality - the text from the next page bled through, there was a ton of static, and it looked like somebody just scanned in a copy of their well-worn Twilight 2000 book.

I've downloaded from them before, and it was much better quality.

Then again, it's free - so I haven't really got any place to complain.
Re: Twilight 2000 free download

brm130 said:
it looked like somebody just scanned in a copy of their well-worn Twilight 2000 book

Well, it does say "Scanned image book" so what could we expect...