Twilight War


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
We've recieved word of a new post-apocalypse game in the making named Twilight War. So what's it about? According to their website:

<blockquote>Twilight War is an Extreme Online Roleplaying Game (XORG) that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world in the year 2296, two hundred years after the Doomsday War between mankind and alien invaders rendered much of the Earth uninhabitable and destroyed Human civilization.</blockquote>
So what exactly is a XORG?
<blockquote>MMORPGFPS? FPSMMORPG? Screw it, those are too hard to pronounce! It's a new game concept, so it deserves a new acronym! "XORG" stands for Extreme Online Roleplaying Game, a hybrid between MMORPGs and FPSs. An XORG has depth, persistence, expansiveness, adrenaline pumping action, graphics detail, and realism all at the same time :)</blockquote>
The game is being made with Valve's Source engine so most likely it will look pretty, but honestly the "XORG" thing kinda scares me.
Apparently the game isn't new news, rather their licensing of the Source engine is. Here's the press release: Twilight War @ Blue's News.
Link: Twilight War
Thanks for the heads up, Star, and thanks to Duck And Cover for the rest of the story.
Xorg ! well that sounds prety stupid, it reminds me of more of a shoked saying. XORG my computer blew up!!! or the evil Xorg invaders wants to conquer the earth!!! :lol:
Transistors are fragile.


It sounds stupid but I blame NCSoft and their "CORG" Guild Wars. Now everyone has to create exciting new acronyms.
Err... Montez, sorry to break it to you, but you are a month behind the times. I covered the website launch on August 20th.

Don't you remember Claw? Montez does have an excuse for missing a bit of news, but you posted in the thread.
Err... short term memory deficit? :?

I recalled some PA MMORPG thing, but I thought it was another. Well, duh.

Hey, wait! I never said I don't remember, I just commented on the acronymania which I didn't before! [/backpedaling]
There is another one, Fallen Earth, not to mention... Herve's FOOL!

No worries, Claw. Besides, no matter how many times it is reported, XORG still remains ridiculous.
Kotario said:
Err... Montez, sorry to break it to you, but you are a month behind the times. I covered the website launch on August 20th.

Jeez, I'm going to have to start triple-checking before I post anything. It was new in the Submitted news pile and I didn't see anything about it in the news forum, so...

Ah well, at least that'll be the last time I trust anonymous news tips.
If it's an online FPS, why not just truncate that monster to MMOFPS instead of XORG?

I only know two good things whose acronyms begin with an X: XHTML and XML. Both of these were not named that way for marketing reasons.
You mean XHMTL doesn't stand for X-Treme HTML?! You've shattered my illusions Ashmo! I am kidding by the way, in case you didn't pick that up.