
Von Drunky

Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
So a bunch of bands, politicians, and celebrities have one. So I decided to finally get one to see what the hype was all about. It seems to be a lot like Myspace bulletins and even more like Facebook Status updates. Any Twitternites on here and/or relevant opinions in general?

Anyway, here is mine:
i've got no interest in current social networks whatsoever. the only i'm part of is LinkedIn and that's pretty much a requirement for the industry i'm in.

that said, Twitter seems like one of the better picks compared to the other thrash. still, it's bloody unlikely that i'll ever join anything remotely similar.
I don't get the concept of online social networking.

WHY is it necessary to have 200+ "friends" and spent countless hours keeping in touch with these "friends", when you'll probably NEVER see them anyhow? WHY not spent those hours socializing with actual friends that you SEE and are able to spent time with other then on the other end of a 101010101011100001- code?
And yet here we all are socializing on this message bored.

I can see Twitter as being useful. like ummmmmmm imagine you're doing a group project and you need a tool which will let you exchange info and ask/answer brief question. I don't know so far I've been using mine to stalk Trent Renor and smoking blunts. My friend has her clothing line on twitter with updates about new products and discounts. There is something to it and I'm sure there are several groups or marketers sitting around in a room trying to figure out how they can capitalize on the idea.
It'll be a keen future advertising tool for musicians and artists wanting to get their customers *Cough* fans into connecting with them on a fast paced level. Although the results of that union will generally result in free advertising for the artists/musicians.

I made a twitter account just for the fuck of it. I have a whopping single person who I follow. Rainn Wilson, and I don't even like the Us edition of the office that much.
Conversation regarding social networks has begun!

I personally use Facebook as an extension to my social life. It allows me to stay in touch with my friends and makes organising events a hell of a lot easier.

Lord knows I wouldn't have seen all of my 100+ actual friends at my 21st last Saturday if it wasn't for Facebook's social networking abilities.

Like all good things it's about moderation. I agree that it shouldn't be used in the stereotypical MySpace sense where users simply horde as many other users onto their friends list as possible without any prior knowledge regarding those persons.

Edit: Nearly missed the entire point of this thread then. Twitter is a gimmick.
I myself have never twitterered due to my complacency with facebook. I migrated from Myspace to Facebook some time ago, seems to me a fun way to meet new people. Just like those days when you random dialed someone s ICQ#.
Facebook is stupid and is now MySpace, which is also stupid, and Twitter is probably the worst. I have IM which can do what Twitter can do and I can actually chat with people instead of leaving messages on their profile. I don't get the point of any of these things, IM, IRC, and email fulfill all of my needs and I see no reason for anything else.
Jarf said:
Lord knows I wouldn't have seen all of my 100+ actual friends at my 21st last Saturday if it wasn't for Facebook's social networking abilities.

Right, I guess you go to all your actual friends birthdays too? Which are 100+ days out of 356 EACH year.

Mate, you cannot call these people friends.

That's the good thing about language, they've thought of words for these persons so that the description of a person's relationship to these before mentioned persons will not seem warped and distorted.

Those words are: vaguely familiar acquaintances.

And that might be pushing it.
Thats the cool part about new media, you can keep tabs on people you don't really know but still want to keep around. Facebook is really good for that, it gets really annoying when your "vaguely familiar acquaintances" think they are promoters and spam you invites to lame ass lounges and clubs. I did promotion a few years ago and it helped me out a lot because I was careful on who I was inviting.

Myspace I really like for its bulletins I get info on parties that I actually want to go to, get info on what bands are play where and whats going on at regular bars.

I think thats what makes twitter cool, its not as forced as Facebook to have everyone you ever met added to your following and more direct then myspace which has way much distractions.
Grin said:
I don't get the concept of online social networking. ...
WHY not spent those hours socializing with actual friends that you SEE and are able to spent time with

I think it helps if you think of it from an American perspective, taking into consideration the education system and large distances. After high school most likely you and your friends are going to very different colleges, perhaps hundreds of miles away. And then after college the friends you make there will probably disperse again. So how do you keep in touch? Call each one of em up every once in a while? Maybe but it's not that easy.

Or think of emigrants and how they still want to feel connected to their friends and families.

The most useful way I've been using facebook lately is seeing who do I know in a particular city. Like a while ago, when I went to L.A. at first I thought I didn't know anyone there. Oh but look, my old buddy from high school just recently moved there. So I get in touch with him and end up being able to crash on his couch a few days. So no money wasted on a hotel and I ended up catching up with an old friend.