I bought this game yesterday off of
www.matrixgames.com . Probably the best X-Com remake I've played so far. It does really feel like a budget game though.
The Art is pretty meh (art != graphics) and some of the systems are just plain weird. For example you don't hire soldiers, scientists, or workers any more. Instead Soldiers will randomly join you and scientists and workers are attached to their buildings so to get more scientists you have to build a second lab. It isn't bad, it is just different.(Soldier hiring and firing addressed below)
Combat is slow as fuck. Almost unplayable. The only thing that saved it for me was that you could move more than one unit at a time.(addressed below)
There are also no hotkeys by default. This is one of those things that lends itself to a budget game. How hard is it to add hotkeys to a game? (addressed below)
There is, however, deformable terrain... sorta. You can shoot bushes and walls but the ground is permanent so that was disappointing.
Soldiers seem to be able to take more damage in this game than in UFO Defense / Enemy Unknown. Also when they reach 0 health they just become unconscious but live if you beat the mission (addressed below).
The only other issues are that line of site seems too harsh and I have yet to see a terror mission, but that could just be because I've only played about 1 month in game.
Base building the game is pretty similar to X-Com other than the afore mentioned issues with research and development. You can buy and sell equipment and build buildings how ever you want, not allot of complaints there.
"Geospace" combat has also be changed. Instead of zooming in when your interceptor begins to attack an alien craft they both just stop on the map and shoot at each other. This system isn't bad and it actually helps you by allowing you to easily engage more than 1 interceptor at a time.
That is really a quick overview of the game, like I said I've only been able to play it for an hour or so and a good chuck of that was spent trying to figure out how to hire soldiers and watching my men move (slow animation speeds).
The only saving grace of the game is the mod community which has been pretty damn active. All of the items I marked as "Addressed below) can be fixed with a single mod which, while not optimal, is extremely nice. (the mod can be found here
http://www.ufo-extraterrestrials.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1691 )
On the other hand there have been a couple of good upgrades to the game. First off, men are less expendable. I like the fact that your basic crap ass soldiers can take more than 1 shot, it puts some pressure on you to run your soldiers out of combat and get them to another guy with a stimpack.
I also like how promotions are handled. When a soldier gains a new rank you actually get to spend his or her experience to improve what ever stats you want.
There is also now a more complicated research tree that I don't understand yet. I found some alien plasma weapons but can't research them until I learn about plasma technology. That is fine by me.
That is really about all I can say right now. If I wasn't such an X-Com die hard I probably wouldn't suggest paying 49.99 for the game like I did (I got digital download and a box product shipped to me).
Over all I'd say wait on it. Give me some time to see what the game really has to offer before running out and picking it up.