umm.. stuck at birth?


First time out of the vault
i installed FO3 today and started a new game... watched the midwife deliver me and good old dad say "are you a boy or a girl" got to choose my sex, no worries so far... then dad says.. we did it katherrine.. blah blah... and mum replies with something as equally as bland.. blah blah blah.... and then i just sit there staring at dad forever. no character creation or anything beyond choosing my sex.

I waited 30 mins and nothing happened. tried it 1/2 a dozen times... nothing. I've gone it and set the audio to basic after reading similar problems but still nothing. Reinstalled. nothing.

sooo... anyone?

cheers for all the awesome ideas i just know you will have...... *sigh*
Choosing your gender is only the beginning of the character creation that spans half the tutorial.

I assume you did try to walk up to your dad?!
i worked it out... my pc had not done a video hardware detection before loading FO3. once i manually reset the video in the options it worked perfectly.

cheers anyway.