Unarmed can OWN baddies.

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You too can be a bad a$$, taking down deathclaws and robots with only your fists and some armor, not mattering if you are blinded and with a crippled arm. As a thoughguy HTH chr, I took down all the robots in great bend with just my HTH guy. His team members helped out when he got knocked unconcious, otherwise it was just his powerfist against the robot hordes. Imagine the suprise on the robots faces...

There have been a lot of posts knocking HTH or questioning how to use it...this will hopefully address those posts.

First, don't waste you stats on PE or CHR, you need them elsewhere. Second, allthough you may neglect END on other characters, don't skimp in it for HTH. Third, don't bring your luck above 6, 6 is all you need for perk reqs. You should have high (8 or 9) STR, END and either 8 or 10 in agility, I'd go with 8. The 2 stat points you save going into END instead will mean a bunch of hp down the road...

Take lifegiver as soon as you can,(Only one level though, you need the next perk for HTH specific perks) other must haves are bonus HTH damage, bonus HTH attacks and HTH unarmed. Slayer if you are toughguy with the xp to get to the required level. Nice perks, but not required are drunken master (you dont need perception) bonus AP and bonus move.

Small frame is nice since you don't need to cary that much plus you are damn strong as it is, so it is like a free stat point. You can get away without taking gifted due to the lack of need for both percpetion and chr, but you are better off with it. Fast shot is silly, so is bruiser. Kamakazie may be very bad if it also negates your HTH unarmed bonus...drug resistant/or reliant are useful since you should regularly use chems.

I go with unarmed over melee, the powerfist is nice and costs only 2 AP a swing. You shouldn't plan on having your melee guy detect traps since that is based partly on perception. Stealth can nicely compliment melee combat, since you can close range without being detected. For your last skill, outdoorsman is handy if you dont plan on keeping an NPC with that skill. Science is good for crits on robots if you are playing non-tough guy and dont have the xp for the slayer perk.

Ahhh...the use of drugs can make your melee chr a true star. In order of value:

Psycho turns him into an absolute monster. You need fear only grenades and missles when juiced up with this stuff, even supermutants with brownings will pose no threat. Just walk up to em and wail. You can even have heavy weapons guys supporting your character: Their stray friendly fire bullets will harmlessly bounce off of you.

Afterburner gum, in combonation with agility raising drugs, will allow your character to murder any single opponent (minus those damn tank things, pacificers and behemoths) in one round, (or without stopping for CTB.)

Mutie/buffout should boost your combat stats to the maximum, nice but not nearly as awesome as afterburner and pyscho.

Dont forget healing powder. The bane of gun users as it lowers perception, HTH chars can use it without a care.


You should only have at max one other HTH char in your party, there are occasions where gun use is mandatory and you don't want to be screwed over. Besides, anymore than 2 hth characters are impossible to control in CTB since you have to manually move them in front of the enemy you wish to attack. Snipers and heavy weapons both make for good support, as long as you are using pyscho while you have the borownings backin ya.

Dont forget, use pyscho. Gun users need ammo to function, melee chars need drugs. Important!!
Is your character that useful against behemoths?If yes please tell me how you defeat it HTH.TQ :)
That's why you oughta have some buddys...or nääh, just throw a oilcoockie for the behemoth and then sneak behind while he's eating it and BANG! ... hmm ... bad plan.
On the HTH perks, doesn't the punchgun or any other glove count as a weapon being held even though it is a glove??