
Lord Brunitius

First time out of the vault
Since I made a super character and have all the traits I didn't even notice that about disassembly feature until much later into the game then going "huh, the thing is locked behind a trait!?".
My biggest nitpick is the fact that everyone who wears metal armor even when the thing is in tungsten it's the same boring metal armor sprite. What makes it boring for me is that my dude doesn't look any special from other dudes who wear some combination of metal armor. Would have been interesting to see your character in bluish (aka Tungsten) metal suit with blades and spikes if it's crafted that way like in the inventory.

The looks of my characters in RPG games are very important to me in games, exactly the reason back when I still played Neverwinter Nights I spent an hour or two coloring and changing the look of the plate armor with a mod on my dwarf character. For me when my character keeps looking like everyone else it's sort of a deal-breaker for me.

Who knows, maybe something will be implemented in future. Although i'm afraid styg already sad that the sprites can't be changed, a guy asked that because he picked a black person for avatar and the sprite was still white.
Basically, Michael Jackson.
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I'm fine with graphics as it is. Objects looks great, there's a lot of details, with many small and lovely touches here and there, creating excellent atmosphere. Various types of junk, cracked walls, different floors, lights.. It also works flawlessly - line of sight, sneaking and ambushes affected by the light sources, it's just great piece of software. Also, location design is perfect - huge storage rooms, offices, and other places makes for very satisfying exploration in addition with superb music and ambient sounds! And, most importantly, all this runs like a charm on my prehistorical C2D E4500 + 2GB RAM! :mrgreen:

Hats off, this was programmed by a single man according to credits, Styg I presume. Sheer amount of work hours needed for such project just blows my mind, considering that the game is running on its own proprietary engine programmed from scratch. This man must be insane genius, lemme tell ya! :salute:

All in all, I'd rate it 9/10 right now - haven't finished it yet.
Aye, the atmosphere of the game is indeed on the nail and I'm not talking about the nail that rails need or rails that are under the rails.. or rather underground. I'm talking about a metaphorical rail, erhm.. nail that figuratively strike someone in the head. Now what was I on about? Right, the atmosphere. Like for example that Junkyard area where poor sods fish for eels and some commenting about not wanting to eat rathound again. Just felt sort of bad for them and the bleakness of the game world.
Yup, Ol' Chopper has ripped my balls off! So did Rathound King later. Revenge feels good!
Can't stop playing, been rolling with my lvl 12 gunner alright. Got proper equipment finally, Dragunov sniper rifle supported by night vision goggles just rocks with handcrafted micro-shrapnel 7.62 ammo! Energy shield helps a lot too. What a stealthy hack/lockpicking cyber-punk heavens is this game, folks! :smile:
In comparision to Fallout, Underrail is superior when it comes to mechanics.
No possible to create Jack of all trades, every stat. is useful, great economy system (which isn't player friendly), where its kinda hard to became rich. No free healing. Challenging combat. No mapping (so had to create own map in notes). Crafting done in good manner.
And the entire universe, what is like metro2033 combined with Fallout, great, just great. Avernum but with small tunnels and postapo instead of high fantasy.
Unfortunately, playing such game is fatiguing.
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In comparision to Fallout, Underrail is superior when it comes to mechanics.
No possible to create Jack of all trades, every stat. is useful, great economy system (which isn't player friendly), where its kinda hard to became rich. No free healing. Challenging combat. No mapping (so had to create own map in notes). Crafting done in good manner.
And the entire universe, what is like metro2033 combined with Fallout, great, just great. Avernum but with small tunnels and postapo instead of high fantasy.
Unfortunately, playing such game is fatiguing.

Agree, the builds are very important, also, with the level cap of 25 you must really choose wisely before the point of no return and conseguent incompetent char.
For the maps, there are some in the wiki: http://www.underrail.com/wiki/index.php?title=Zones
(they're for the Alpha, missing some new location brought by the final version)

And btw, this game is freaking huge.
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I don't understand why the "how it happened" trick was not used like it was in Fallout. Reading the history of the world war and places made a real immersion to the universe.
I agree that the game is too easy(but at the end it's became opposite:confused:). Need some "survival" mode I think.
And the economic system is strange - ~at 1\4 of the game I already had so much money which I simple didn't know where to spend it (just by selling a loot).
Look like the game was initially started with a great potential but the author just didn't have a time to implement everything he wanted. So we have so many unique NPC but many of them are without any purpose. Not the "shiny ones" but 8\10
Too easy? it's rather punitive

Yep, but maybe it's because I play stealth\snipe\assault rifles.
There is enough skillpoints to learn a lot of skills just because a half of them are not needed to be maximized (like: mech,bio,elect,hack,lock,stealth,pickpocket). A lot of enemies doing a zero damage if you wearing a proper type of armor (bullet\heat\bio\melee-prof).
I never had any problems with money for buying anything. At lvl 3 you already can steal so many bullets from the guards that it could be enough to the end of game.
Snipe+aim shot+burst fire just tearing all the critters apart. And I even didn't bother myself to create a shock-bullets or buy ap bullets. A couple of shield emmitters (low-low&high-high)+ stun grenades give you a chance for any mistakes\misses.
Burst first! With Concentrated Fire feat each bullet fired in burst deals cumulative damage bonus which lasts for one turn only. That's why I fire long burst from my handcrafted Rapid Muzzled Hornet assault rifle (9 AP, +2 extra burst shots) at first. Any single/aimed shot fired at the same target before end of the turn deals incredible damage then. :twisted:
Burst first! With Concentrated Fire feat each bullet fired in burst deals cumulative damage bonus which lasts for one turn only. That's why I fire long burst from my handcrafted Rapid Muzzled Hornet assault rifle (9 AP, +2 extra burst shots) at first. Any single/aimed shot fired at the same target before end of the turn deals incredible damage then. :twisted:
I mean that "aim shot" is performed with sniper rifle. There is no point to burst fire if you can kill with 1 bullet (without wasting durability and ammo)
Didn't find any good Hornet frames (only about 100 in the DC), but I've found Huscar frame (124) at the IronHead location near Foundry.

The game is good but to be honest it has quite poor writing and non-logical quests.
After I finished the game it was still not clear what happend with "Hollow Earth Research". Who are the Faceless? Who are the Six&Tanner? What the Thort is? How it appeared(by unsuccessfull human experiment or it was the alien artifacts involved?).
After I spend annoying 4 days in DC I wished a painfull death to the creators.
What is not clear -is it really the end of the story? I feel like it was not finished (why this "pursuit" ending?)
There is no point to burst fire if you can kill with 1 bullet (without wasting durability and ammo)
Yup. Often you're ambushed by lurkers or crawlers hidden in shadows though and fighting with sniper rifle at close range is penalized alright! You can't move and fire without decent penalty too. That's why I'm carrying two guns.

I've found Huscar frame (124)
I went with STR 4, raised it to 6 at level 8, and the next attribute point goes towards PER because there are awesome sniper's feats for PER 10 characters. So I'm sticking with low STR guns now, we'll see later how it turns out.

The game is good but to be honest it has quite poor writing and non-logical quests.
Agreed, writing just sucks. Most of the dialogues are nothing but straightforward info dumps anyway. Quest givers don't provide clear enough path to any location despite they know it - I mean why they tell me to go south-southwest when describing the route step-by-step would be much more comprehensible? One would think it's in their best interest to give you the most detailed informations. (Go south jack, then turn west because going further south from here would drag you away and lead you into murderous gang territory possibly, and then turn south again until you hit the station.)
Then again, I'm playing dumb INT 4 gunner so perhaps that's why the game treats me as a retard. Will see how it works for smart psionic manipulator on second playthrough. :smile:
Cool looking game, even though the art style turns me off and the whole psychic powers makes it look like a fucking fantasy game instead. But overall great mechanics, good dialogue and good combat. Still, too much emphasis on combat for my liking.
Cool looking game, even though the art style turns me off and the whole psychic powers makes it look like a fucking fantasy game instead. But overall great mechanics, good dialogue and good combat. Still, too much emphasis on combat for my liking.

Lol, psyonic powers are more cyberpunk than fantasy, just look at system shock (and ss2).
But you're right, there's a lot of combat, you can play with oddity xp system and avoid most of the fights going on full stealth.
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How come my assault rifle has worse percentage chance than my pistol despite having a 50 something guns skill(assault rifle needs a 40 min skill)? Before you ask it's about at 100% conditioning so that's not it. I'm getting my ass kicked even by raiders since I can't find any good armor and blueprints of some items are expensive, what's the benefits to stealth?
Pistol precision is better. From the Underrail wiki:
-No moving penalty (can move and shoot without precision penalty)
For the rifle precision you need to stay 1 turn on the spot - and you will get "focused" status.
If you are low lvl and want to kick some tough asses - use caltdrops\mines\traps\taser\grenades.
I advise you to learn stealth - it's needed for quests and stealing from the houses and at the end of the game.
Your choice of the rifles is right, it's max dmg weapon in the game (1 free burst by perk,+2 extra bullets by perk,+2 extra bullets by muzzle brake, low ap consumption with good frames and rapid reloader).*Not to mention other rifle feats.
Also - try to use an appropriate shield emitter and armor (bullet\melee\heat\bio- proof).
For the much better precision don't forget to use night vision goggles (ctrl+1).
BTW - fix the weapons(expensive stuff) before you sell it - it's more profitable
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Also, small arms as pistols and submachine guns gains AP bonus granted by Dexterity. Also, some special attacks as kneecap shot are available only with pistols and SMG, they work well in combination with Opportunist attack for instance. Unique K&H submachine gun is easily the best possible weapon to wield until you can get your hands on decent assault rifle!

This K&H old world weaponry drives me nuts btw. It's Heckler & Koch! The game is full of them - K&H MP6, K&H 416.. I believe that this is oversight on author's part, because other guns and rifles as Dragunov are named correctly.