Understanding Pre War military weapons


Carolinian Shaolin Monk
Okay this has been a small inconsistency that has bugged me a bit about the first two Fallout games and New Vegas for some years now. The weapons that were considered "Standard issue" by the Pre War U.S. Military.
I've never truly understood it. With how Fallout 1 and 2 are. I would've at least considered the Colt Rangemaster Rifle to be standard issue in the U.S. Military running like a counterpart to the Soviet SKS rifle or the German Gewehr 43. A short stroke gas piston rifle carbine used by most Battalions in the U.S Army or Marine Corps with the Marksman Carbine be delegated to individual squad Marksmen and Snipers for engagements around the 400 meter mark. But with the advent of Fallout 3, this was knocked down because the R91 Assault Rifle exists. Which is a weapon I likely would foreseen delegated to Urban combat units and strictly jungle warfare units as well.
Though the weapon made absolute sense and would be perfect during the Anchorage Reclamation campaign as most fighting force was rendered to World War I-esque/Russo-Ukrainian war trench warfare. I'm very sure with the design of the weapon being rugged and automatic. It'd be seen as an American answer to the AK-47 or the AK 112 depending on who you ask. It doesn't answer my question of "standard issue" in the Fallout universe. Is the AK 112 just a bunch of seized early 21st century Kalashnikov rifles that were sold as surplus on the U.S. market and that's why there ever present in the Core Region? What even is the 5mm round's real world equivalent? Why are there so many Chinese Assault rifles throughout the Capital Wasteland? What even is the point of Rechambering the DKS 501 to .223 without having it's original 7.62 variant be used by upper echelons? To one question- I get the Chinese Assault Rifle got rechambered for 5.56 because there weren't really any places selling 5.45x39 ammo before 10/23/2077.
I've had theories that the reason the Service Rifles and Battle Rifles are abundant throughout the Mojave Wasteland is owed to likely shortage of being able to manufacture more updated versions of the rangemaster and R91 rifle for the NCR Army. They likely raided a National Guard armory somewhere along the I-15 or near the Mojave border full of stocked away 20th century standard issue weapons and they found the schematics for their productions relating to the old M16 rifle and M1 Garand rifle and are likely relying on the gun runners to manufacture old tech so they can win in the Mojave because the newer tech is running short and the NCR military is not about to send the most advanced of their weapons across the border especially if trying to hold onto the Core Region is as important to them as trimming their backyards.
In the case of the Mojave Wasteland with the great amount of distance and the expansive desert that lay around the region. The Rangemaster rifle, Battle rifle, and the Marksman Carbine would easily the be the most resourceful weapons I think any soldier could have in the region when it comes to fighting the legion or raiders or hostile mutants. But I wish if there was an arms expert on Obsidian or even Black Isle's team back then. They could definitely explain everything. Thoughts folks?