I was about to leave a post on the Unofficial Patch mod page the other day about how it does nothing beyond help sell an objectively broken game. Probably should at some point.
As for TTW, besides The Wanderer's Edition, that's the ONLY other way I would play Fallout 3 again.
One of my friends was angry yesterday that just because he disagreed with Arthmoor in something in the past, now Arthmoor deletes all of his bug reports when he reports them to the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch bug tracker
very mature of Arthmoor...
So my friend is making his own Patch and I have the feeling he will named it something similar to Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch just as payback
The Nexus itself was actually contacted by Bethesda asking them not to have TTW on their site due to the way it requires people use content from one game in another, it's pretty much the only time they've ever been contacted by a publisher/dev for something like that, so clearly there is some issue there, even if Beth don't consider it to be serious enough to pursue in any real way beyond not allowing Nexus to host it.
Actually if I recall correctly Bethesda asked Nexus to not have RFCW (Requiem For the Capital Wasteland) on their site. RFCW was the granddaddy of TTW and it actually wasn't totally legal since I think it distributed some assets back then (I wasn't involved on RFCW so I can't give more information because i never really asked about it in depth).
After that RFCW shattered, Chucksteel and JaxFirehart formed a new team (at first it was just both of them making TTW, I joined soon after when there was already a few more team members) and started TTW and made sure it would be legal, and to keep it legal TTW was rewritten from scratch 2 or 3 times already, it would be much easier just to distribute the TTW altered files so people would just download that and put it their data folder, but we take pride in knowing we keep ourselves inside the law
Even though we make sure we do not breach Bethesda Terms and Conditions, we would still close up shop immediately if we got a Cease and Desist from Bethesda, we discussed what we should do if that ever happened and all of our team agreed to it without any second thoughts.
We talked to the Nexus people and we agreed between our two communities that we would tell people to not link directly our site on the nexus, we actually have good friends on Nexus, so if one day Bethesda comes by and asks or order us to stop doing it, they wont cause troubles for anyone else. Also we wanted to keep our community all in one place (our site) since that way it's easier to deal with a project of this magnitude and help users whenever they have any problems.
I am not aware of the Nexus ever being told by Bethesda to stop hosting TTW, because TTW was never hosted on the nexus.
TTW does not really break the laws, we don't distribute any assets from the games, we have our own installer that needs to find the games assets already in the user's computer and alter them automatically, we even have an anti piracy system so that the installer won't work on pirated games (both Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas). But since we need Bethesda's products (Fallout 3 and all it's DLCs and Fallout New Vegas and all of it's DLCs except the Courier's Pack) to make it work we respect Bethesda's wishes in case of them telling us to stop doing it
Sorry for the wall of text and I am not writing this in an angry way or annoyed or anything like that (it's hard to show context or emotions through writing), I am just trying to be informative