John Uskglass
Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Misuse of Religion
It is often observed that the flag is a scoundrel’s last resort, and that even
the worst policies can successfully be wrapped in Old Glory. We believe the
Bush administration is making similar misuse of religion in its attempt to
justify the debacle in Iraq.
All of the administration’s arguments for war have proven false and the
situation continues to deteriorate. Although President Bush confidently
predicted American troops would be welcomed as liberators, reality has proven
much different. The vast majority of Iraqis resent the presence of foreign
troops on their soil, and an ever-growing group of militants are determined to
drive occupiers out by means including the most horrific. In the face of this,
Mr. Bush insists all is well and acknowledges no mistakes.
Of greatest concern to us, the President maintains that America’s sole interest
in Iraq is to establish freedom, thereby serving God’s plan for humanity.
Thus, in his convention acceptance speech he described America as called to
lead freedom’s cause, freedom being God’s gift to the world. And in the third
debate he proclaimed: "I believe that God wants everybody to be free. That’s
what I believe. And that’s been part of my foreign policy."
We are persuaded that motives for the war were more varied and more
questionable than the President acknowledges. Geopolitical calculations,
desires for vengeance, military opportunism, and corporate interest (most
notably greed for oil) all accompanied, and at times overshadowed the religious
and moral considerations. To package this motley collection under the heading
of "freedom" is deliberately misleading: an offense to language and reason,
but a familiar political strategy. To justify it as God’s will, however, seems
little short of sacrilege.
As faculty members of the University of Chicago Divinity School, we deplore
this attempt to wrap failed policies in religious rhetoric. We call for the
repudiation of Mr. Bush’s war and his misuse of religion to defend or sanctify