[Upcoming] Mesquite Mercenary Co.

The Lone Poopyface

First time out of the vault
So I'm working on a mod where you join a Mercenary company and do jobs from them. Ranging from assassinations to settling age old feuds.
Here is a few of the things have completed.






The mod will be a fairly difficult one with various different ways to complete most of the jobs.
Completed jobs:
Near Primm there is a Powder Ganger attempting to join the vipers. He is armed with a hunting shotgun and a ton of dynamite. He is guarded by 4 vipers. Two melee,one submachine gun,and a hunting rifle viper.
Jobs underwork:
Hunters Farm has been turned into an actual farm by a ghoul named Hunter who apparently travelled all the way from Alaska to reclaim the farm he grew up at before the war. Heck Gunderson wants him knocked out of competition. He can either convince them to leave through a very high speech,barter,and strength check(since Hunter travelled so far it well take a lot to convince him to leave) or you can use a very high survival check to show him that he messed up the whole farm. Or you can kill him and everyone with him. Including the child who is with him.
Possible jobs:
This one will be in Lake Mead and will be a miniature version of mother base from MGS. You will assault the base and convince the man (who is old and has an eyepatch) to stop his mercenary work. You can either blow it up through an explosives check,use lines from the MGS series to convince him to give up,kill everybody,or sneak on aboard his base and find evidence of illegal activity and report to the NCR. They will then blow it up with helicopters while he is away on a mission and you then have to face him alone,but he has a rocket launcher.
Another job will take place near Primm Pass. A man with trained dogs has been harassing and sometimes completely wiping out caravans traveling to Novac. You have to go to his cave. Once inside he will come in from behind and talk to you about how his dogs need to be fed. You can convince him to fight you one on one and the fight is considerably easier as the man has a TON of dogs.
The next one will start in Primm. A man has been abducting children and taunting the victims families trough the radio. The courier must find out clues about the man. Eventually leading them to Lone Wolf Radio in which a crazy man has setup a base there and has child sized skeletons literring the place. He stops in your tracks and tells you how he is dying from a unique type of poison. He says he is willing to allow you to kill him without him fighting back if you agree to carry on his work. He will have you show loyalty by killing a kid in Novac and showing him the head. Then he will give up. He is extremely tough to face even for high level players as he has many traps surrounding his base and high armor and a chainsaw.
The next job will start in the Tops casino. A Legion agent is trying to spread fear by hanging one of the top chairman on a cross on top of the building. He needs you to grant him access by sneaking into the top floors of the Tops and repairing the elevator which is broken at the top. As he works on building his makeshift cross in his room you attempt to find a way to get one of the chairman to the top of the casino. You either drug him,get him watsed,say there is a fire at the top go building,or create an actual fire.
That's all I have planned/can think of so far. Anyways peace out.