Chris Parks said:
@ ardent...
MR is cureently on 850 variables and its fine.
Well, for the first few weeks of my modding, nothing that had to do with global variables worked for me. And I started my globals at no. 1000, because I thought this would be a neat mark that my mod starts here.
Then I searched NMA forums, and there was a thread somewhere that said the limit was 715 or so. So I changed my globals to start at 695, i.e. one after the last global_var in original F2. It worked. I quickly reached 715 and they stopped working again, so I began renaming the original ones and do so ever since.
I was pretty much convinced the 715 limit was a valid one, but maybe I did something wrong. Anyway, thanks for the tip
@ mazy:
Maybe you could use map_vars as you intended, but change the values you want on entering that particular map?
I don't know your mod, obviously, but I guess the majority of things that should happen on a map need only be changed when the PC is actually there...
Perhaps if you gave us more details, or an example, we would be able to help you in a more effective manner.