Using NPC Skills?


First time out of the vault
I am wondering how to use Fallout 2's npc's skills, I can't seem to find how in the manual. Right now, I want Vic to repair a generator, but I can't find out how to use his repair skill. Could anyone enlighten me?
I think if your character has less repair(or i.e. science) skill than Vic(or Myron) then the NPC will try to fix something when you to do this

Just use the skill like normally
Don't stand right next to the object you want him to repair. He will think you want to do it yourself (and mostly say "Go ahead and try it").

Stand a few hex'es away from the object, click in your skilldex (button right bottom side of screem), click repair, click on the object.

Vic will walk towards it and (try to) repair it.

If this doesn't work, please post more info: Where are you (redding, den, vault city, ...) and what are you trying to repair?