So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

This relates to FO3, but has some spoilers for bloodlines.
This game, while quite enjoyable on its own, hilites an important issue.
No matter how well made a actionRPG is, its still based on combat.
Bloodlines railroads you thru dialouge options, such as ratting on Nines with no option to even say he seemed out of sorts.
This is what FO3 DOESNT need.
Im mentioning bloodlines specificly because info so far has suggested that FO3 will be within a single city, like bloodlines.
If it is restricted to a single city then it would ignore the fact that even the surviving settlements are quite small, and the majority of urban areas are rubble.
Also, while bloodlines is funish (bugs keep it from being truly fun) who has even thought a FO mod would be true to the FO setting ?
What I mean by that is, who thinks that playing a game where our own real agility in clicing the keys quickly in a correct combination could ever be a true FO game ? And who thinks that a engine in anything other than a topdown viewpoint would work for a FO game ?
This game, while quite enjoyable on its own, hilites an important issue.
No matter how well made a actionRPG is, its still based on combat.
Bloodlines railroads you thru dialouge options, such as ratting on Nines with no option to even say he seemed out of sorts.
This is what FO3 DOESNT need.
Im mentioning bloodlines specificly because info so far has suggested that FO3 will be within a single city, like bloodlines.
If it is restricted to a single city then it would ignore the fact that even the surviving settlements are quite small, and the majority of urban areas are rubble.
Also, while bloodlines is funish (bugs keep it from being truly fun) who has even thought a FO mod would be true to the FO setting ?
What I mean by that is, who thinks that playing a game where our own real agility in clicing the keys quickly in a correct combination could ever be a true FO game ? And who thinks that a engine in anything other than a topdown viewpoint would work for a FO game ?