Van Buren - A Fallout prequel?


Antediluvian as Feck
Judging from what I've seen of the concept arts floating around, it appears to me that Fallout 3 will be a prequel to Fallout. The power armor seems to be a prototype of the power armor found in Fallout. The locations seem too "new" and filled with working electronics and machinery. I'm guessing either around the time that the bombs fall or a short period after it.

Am I the only one who feels this way? Thoughts and comments please!
The only thing I can say is that I think I remember JE stating clearly that VB will take place after Fallout 2.

I might be wrong, of course, but that's just what I remember. Might want to check and see if the FAQ mentions anything.
Would the game be a sequel, prequel or neither if you had the choice?

I'd make it a sequel. I suspect most of the old time players would like to see how life in the wasteland has evolved since the destruction of most of the Enclave. A prequel could be cool but -- not right now.

Ok now i`m sad, so much work and no one reads the FAQ :(
It will take place in Nevada 80 years after Fallout 2.


FAQ said:
The manner in which the game starts allows the PC to be from almost anywhere in the game world.


Makes sense though.
The manner in which the game starts allows the PC to be from almost anywhere in the game world.

Actually I think it means that either you choose at the beginning of the game wether you're from a backwater tribal village or from NCR or VC, like the "life background" feature in Arcanum.

Or, the character which you begin the game with could be from any of those places, his/her background and past not specified, but it wouldn't matter anywhere in the game.
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how about making the background thing affect your starting location, starting items and other things, each place having its good and bad sides(like if youre from NCR you get worse guns and ammo because of the anti-weapons policy, but get more cash etc..)

I really wanted this, it would make every new game even more interesting, the replayability factor would be even higher.

They still aren`t talking about the story, but this is going to be one of the first questions i`ll have for them when they start talking about it.
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Zontik said:
how about making the background thing affect your starting location, starting items and other things, each place having its good and bad sides(like if youre from NCR you get worse guns and ammo because of the anti-weapons policy, but get more cash etc..)

I know it's just an example, but consider. The NCR disarms its citizens under its pacified occupation. Meanwhile it's heavily policed and extremely armed. I imagine that it is a first rate military on the post apocalyptic mainland and when expanding will kick some major ass.

Their policy on letting their citizens roam in the wilderness needs clarification. I don't remember if there was anything in the Holodisks.
I'm only making a guess as to what it'll contain, but if the game takes place in Nevada, then the protagonists in the game may be some kind of techno-cult that stumbled on an alien technology cache hidden away in Area 51.

NCR has a lot of people. So if you start out coming from NCR, you'll most likely start out with a decent firearms loadout and a few party members.

If, say, you came from the Brotherhood of Steel, then you would probably start out with some basic energy weapons and decent armor.

A Tribal would have a good Outdoorsman skill and a basic knowlege of ingrediant mixing. As well as a familiarity with melee weapons.

Maybe the Mormons could even be a starting race. =P If so, then a Mormon would probably have better diplomatic skills and a good amount of money.

The possibilities are endless, really.
I hope you can truly be a slaver. In FO2 the slaver quest was lame. You fight in a few vilages, then youyre done and get heted/shot at all over.

It'd be cool to be able to actualy knock some1 out and remove their armour and stuff and 'pacify' them with ropes.

That could be done by a slaver only perk. If youre a slaver characther, you have a decent ability starting out, but wont always knock them out. Later on, you'd get the ability 2 be trained by some expert slaver wh would teach you how 2 even knock out some1 in power armour (assuming you sneak succesfully.)
Hell, anybody should be able to knock out someone. Being a slaver isn't about knocking the shit about people, its about knocking the shit out of people and then selling them into slavery.

That was the main flaw in becoming a slaver. Sure you could sell anybody in your party, but you couldn't really round up NPCs to sell.

If you do become a slaver, it'd be cool if you could buy a slave cage and then get a team of brahmin to pull it. So that way you can knock people unconcious during random encounters and drag them into the cage. Then sell them to slavers later.

You could even progress in rank.

That's what I'd really like to see in Fallout 3, a more intuitive guild progression like, say, Morrowind.

Advancing in rank as a slaver or NCR Ranger, or Brotherhood of Steel paladin would be neat.