Van Buren Dreams FRM pack - Released


Vault Fossil

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Hi, I have been messing around with the VB Demo; there are 190 usable pieces of Inventory art:

I created the above art index last night. I have been playing around with them (in BMP of course) and worked out how to convert them to FRM, so watch this space, I should have a FRM pack out this week :).

I am playing around with the idea of making a weapons mod, called Van Buren Dreams with these.

PS can anyone do anything with the DDS files?
They should be available with alpha transparency too. We have had all images with transparency background on our webside for a while... until it got hacked and everything was deleted (the backup also didn't saved it.. don't know why.)
Re: Van Buren FRMS

Dude101 said:
PS can anyone do anything with the DDS files?
You can open .dds in IrfanView (ubercool and fast freeware image viewer + basic editor). You can also save .dds as bmp/gif/whatever there, but all data that is very unique for this format (like MIP maps) will be lost.

Or you can d/l .dds plugin for PS from Nvidia website.
Man, seeing anything related to VanBuren makes me feel sad. What a great game that one would have been. :(

But, well, that's nice. I think I would enjoy having those items (except for the PA and its helmet) in Fallout.

And... Do you really mean this? It's in VB's armor section.

The weapons wont covert properly and I don't have PSP or PS on my machine any more :( so I give up:

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Stg Granite said:
And... Do you really mean this? It's in VB's armor section.

Yes it's hidden as item 143 in the interface GRP, when using GRP manager. Edit, it is f3_icon.tga and the smg is f3_icon_02.tga, so either they are place holders or literally icons.

I am still trying to work out the FO palette, but luckily I uploaded a tutorial to the wiki :) so I should have the FRM's out this weekend. I used the GRP extractor program and found it preserves the original file names, which is very helpful (damn you GRP manager).