Eyo! Okay I was a bit confused. On one hand it said no tech problems in the general forum but on the other it said Van Buren topics go here. So if I put this in the wrong place please move it and my apologies for posting in the wrong place. 
Problem: Try to install it and it says error to create D3D device, now I know there was a topic on this but the question was never answered in it and it refered to another topic which may or may not have a solution (which I couldn't find)
Please help me out I'd really like to try out Interplay's last fallout.
Off Topic but I'm very polite person by nature. Hello, Nice to meet you, and Thanks for looking at my topic I hope you can help me out

Problem: Try to install it and it says error to create D3D device, now I know there was a topic on this but the question was never answered in it and it refered to another topic which may or may not have a solution (which I couldn't find)
Please help me out I'd really like to try out Interplay's last fallout.
Off Topic but I'm very polite person by nature. Hello, Nice to meet you, and Thanks for looking at my topic I hope you can help me out