Frontball13 said:
Ok, you wanted a theory on stuff that shows up in the game. I've got a theory on what actually triggered the whole nuclear holocaust. Why was the government of the United States hiding out on an oil rig in the first place? I think, that each government in on this plan got to a safe place and is conducting its own "rebuild the world" plan. The ultimate form of reshaping the country.
I think I read in the Fallout Wiki that the reason the US government had retreated to an oilrig was because it was sitting on the last known reserve of oil - they kept the location top secret due to the insanity breaking loose at that time (eg, if you're in a prison with hundreds of other starving people fighting desperately for food and you find a box full of candy bars, you aren't gonna say word ONE to anyone else about your stash). Now as for the other governments of the world, after the EU fell apart, who knows what exactly happened to Germany, France, Italy, Spain or any others - the war with the Middle East likely had the Saudis (did Ibn-Al Saud actually have Saudi Arabia before the timeline divergence? I haven't a clue as to when Arabia became SAUDI Arabia) in tatters, and most of their population would have likely returned to a nomadic desert-wandering lifestyle (the ones that actually adapted to their new world, likely most of them didn't) and I would guess the other Persian Gulf countries likely suffered the same fate. Their kings might have had some sort of elaborate bunker (remember Saddam's bunker-tunnel network? possibly something like that) or headed to sea in a converted supertanker or container ship. Not sure if fundamentalist Islam had taken root at that time but if so the mullahs and their followers would have very likely been killed - they would trumpet about "Allah crushing the infidels with spears of flame from the heavens" or some rot, and thus trap themselves, having stirred their supporters into a state of blind fanatacism, fearing no death. The mullahs wouldn't be able to run away - that would be cowardly, cause them to lose face with the worshippers, and likely result in a messy execution for lacking faith in Allah... without their leaders, the radical Muslims would likely have quickly descended into anarchy, their belief shaken, and that in itself may have had far-reaching implications for the Middle East. Who knows what happened to most of Africa - I don't recall there being much oil in Africa, possibly uranium or coal, but if Africa's current instability is any measure no person of great import in any African nation made it to safety, and the Hutus and others would suddenly become the REAL power players in Africa (ironic, what goes up must come down... the "down to earth" cultures besides those in the Middle East, Northern and Southern Africa on Earth would have made a very strong showing - can't lose what you don't have, more or less - and might explain the profusion of tribal societies in the Americas - TRIBALS! yay

The Russians are most likely reduced to reindeer-herding peasants between the ravages of China and the US (there might be more mention of the Soviets in the Fallout Wiki, but I can't remember off the top of my head).
Now the Australians pride themselves on being a very hardy lot, Aborigine or no, hence my interest in their status post-bomb. Since I don't think they have any fossil fuel production to speak of (could be wrong) they wouldn't have necessarily earned more than a couple bombs on major ports/airbases where the US would likely have still held a foothold militarily. And New Zealand... well, they're New Zealand. Nobody much cares about them and they like it that way. But it's a pretty place to visit.
South America... aside from the countries bordering the Caribbean (Venezuela and all its oil!) they probably would simply have suffered the usual self-destruction of advanced societal structure and the Jivaro and other tribes wouldn't give a howler monkey's ass about it. Mexico gets the screwie from the US in the Fallout Wiki, and I would assume Venezuela's rich oil resources would have been summarily devoured by the US after their march into and through the Yucatan. Again, possible coal and uranium deposits further south but... I wouldn't know.