Vault 101 Changes Suggestions


Mildly Dipped
There could be spoilers here, so if you haven't seen the youtube videos yet then you probably shouldn't read this. I only watched a particular set of them that pertained to an entire go-through of the whole Vault 101 sequence.

For starters, the GOAT seems ridiculous. More technically minded, non-ridiculous questions would have made more sense. They're kinda funny, but not the type of test you'd expect from any sort of seriously minded society... Maybe in an unofficial clubhouse or something, but definitely not from a Vault. :P The last one was decent though.

Near the end of the videos I noticed a hostile guard in the Overseer's room. There should be an option to talk to him and get him to leave and/or somehow distract him.

The cake at the birthday party gets gibbed by the robot and nobody notices.. Some of the kids should at least moan and say, "Not again!" along with some of the adults maybe saying something like, "Such a shame", "Oh great..." and/or "We really need to stop letting Mr. Handy cut the birthday cakes" Also, an option to grab the cake before it's demolished would be nice. :D

One of the kids crying over the cake would also be a nice touch.

Can't really think of anything else at the moment.
the GOAT is a oddball that is leftover from Morrowinds 10 Question Q&A session for character generation.

Granted It MAY be posible to change it to give out perks. . . hmmm
Taking the G.O.A.T. is a quest and could very well reward you with a perk as other quests do. So that is possible.

I think you will also be able to create your own perks. Maybe depending on how you answer the questions?

Thinking about it, what was the result of taking the G.O.A.T. Seemed like it had no effect.
I believe the only effect of the GOAT was to select your three tagged skills, and then the guy at the desk lets you change them if you want. I noticed that the player was given all combat skills. Maybe the GOAT is pretty accurate after all. I could tell they were very bored with all the dialogue and seemed to just want to get to killing stuff.

The best part was when they accidentally put their equipped pistol into a desk. :D

Anyway, giving traits, depending on your answers, sounds like a great idea!

I still think the questions and answers are pretty outlandish for a Vault test.
If you watch some other videos, you'll see that:

1. You can talk yourself out of GOAT.

2. Not only people do notice that robot screws up the cake, Butch notices it too and asks you for your sweet roll because of that.

3. The guard isn't there in all of the other videos(not sure what happened)

So, I think talking abut changing Vault 101 is VERY premature
Something to end the bloodshed. Bloody mess should only occur with big guns and extremely high levels.