Vault 112


Mildly Dipped
Does anyone know if its possible to save the people in Vault 112 or release them? I could have sworn i read that someone had on a google search page once before i ever understood what it meant

also disappointed i could kill the Chinese and take his gun :P
[spoiler:3be331a300]The "good" karma way is to start the Chinese invasion program and let all of them be butchered by the commies. [/spoiler:3be331a300]

Guess they wanted it? :lol:
Even after 'killing' everyone in Tranquility Lane, the people inside the VR pods back in the real world seem to still be alive - i.e. they're still sitting upright with their eyes open, looking at the screens.

So nobody really dies, yet your karma gets a pounding, which I found kind of irritating.

Or, more likely, Bethesda just couldn't be bothered adjusting the character models inside the pods accordingly.
well talking with the 'little girl' revealed that people die in the simulations but it dosent seem like they die forever.I get the impression that people die then they start a new simulation, they have been going at this for over 200 years? so that might give them enough time to come to grips and then get sucked back in? She did say they have been in that particular simulation for a very long time

i wish they could get out of the pods and go nuts or something
If you read the entry on the Failsafe when initiating the Chinese Invasion program you should have noted the part where it's warning that people in the simulation will actually die once it's been initiated, in the simulation and in the real world.

They die for real, and as I said, it's all your fault you terrible person.
If you read the computers outside of each pod it shows the life signs as all 0 after you activate the invasion program.

Also the puzzle to unlock the failsafe was amusing.
Their brains get fried, not their bodies.

My biggest disappointment came from the fact that I can't open Braun's pod and kill him myself.

And actually, killing the Vault 112 Dwellers is actually doing them a service, after 200 years of memory wiping it'd be cruel to release them.
Well if youslash them all to death their vital signs don't seem any differen't, so based on that and what braun has said about people randomly and unexpectedly dieing i thought maybe they could be released after dieing instead of being put into another simulation
Hm my character just changed color after leaving the virtual reality. known bug? I was black and now I am white, liam on the other side is still black. What to do? This sucks..
Go with it, pretend your father raped a white woman.

Seriously, that is a really weird one. Maybe there's a method to change your race via the console?
Actually if your truly evil then you would make a deal with braun and help him build a new world in the matrix which he may or may not like do to a speech check. This could help braun continue his torment on the current populations for another say... 200 years?

Or you help braun acquire new blood to the matrix. You gather follower to fill up the pods with new bodies hehehe.

You get what you want and he gets something new if you succeed. This should have been the true evil ending..

Beths evil endings are more a neutral type lame excuse of EVIL.

Also yes once their dead the bodies should be slumped dripping blood from the ears or head down whatever. Too many garbage made by beths team to call it a fallout game.
Pope Viper said:
Go with it, pretend your father raped a white woman.

Seriously, that is a really weird one. Maybe there's a method to change your race via the console?

I hope so but I haven't found out yet. My character looks so stupid right now, and its so idiotic when my father talks to me (and not only because of the poor dialogue) :/
also makes clear that no npc reacts upon your visuals which is kinda sad. an asien with a chinese uniform and a chinese assault rifle should not get the same response as a brotherhood of steal soldier :<

