vault boy looks different


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I just now noticed how vault boy looks way different i the first 2 fallout games and fallout 3. The old vault boy has bigger eyes and a different shaped body and he's genrally more expressive. The new vault boy pictures in new vegas are identical to fallout 1 and 2 though. Am I the only one who noticed?
First 2 games
Fallout 3
New Vegas
Beth rushed it and doesn't care that much about the art being consistent down to little details like that?

Even if you look at different Vault Boys inside Fallout 3 you'll notice that they're drawn by different artists or one artist who switched the brush between hands (and feet) from one VB vignette to the next.
Yeah, I think everybody noticed he looks odd. But then again it's just part of the whole Fallout 3 "experience" where you can justifiably criticize everything.
I don't think FO3 Vault Boy is that bad.

Thing is, the Fallout 2 and NV one was drawn by the same artist, Brian Menze, so there's more consistency to the style.
Beth's artist (I can't remember the name, I think it was some girl) gave it a bit of her own touch, but I don't think it's all that bad - a bit different, yeah, but let's face it - it's not the biggest sin FO3 made, if you could call it a sin at all.
Never said it was bad its just I never even realized it until now and can't unsee it.
Yeah, it's a different artist and maybe lack of original templates.

Brian Menze once said in an interview that he pre-made various face gestures and such, so he would later need to paint the body only.