vault history


First time out of the vault
in the first fallout bible it mentions that if you apply your science skill to the v13 central computer in F2 that you can find the history of the vault. is that true because ive got maximum science skill and it never works!HELP! :x
If I recall correctly, this was a feature that was supposed to be in the game, but in the end, was not implemented. (it's in the Bible, I think)
Yeah, I guess it'll be a test who does Roshambo like more and whose replies get vatted :)

(j/k Roshambo. Vat mine, or you'll hurt the lizard's feelings ;) )
Hehe, you don't think he'll vat them both?

/me thinks it's more likely both.
Well, it'd be extreme if he did. The question is in the correct forum and is phrased correctly, I don't think there'a anything in the stickies about it, so there's little ground for that and I've posted in the other thread (LOL) how sometimes multi-posting betrays you. If I were Rosh, I'd just vat this stupid thread and leave the other one be.

Still, he'll have every right and will probably call piersinvault13 stupid for failing to understand what's written in the FB.
I'm thinking more along the lines that he posted two threads containing the same question, and vat them both. I don't see a ban unless he's in a really bad mood though.