(Very)High Rez fonts


First time out of the vault
OK, nice and simple.. just recently got Fallout 2 running fine on my Win 7 64 system using the high res patch and sfall... however as I have a 21" monitor the only rez that doesn't badly garble the font is the native rez of 1920x1080.

I think you can see my problem... the game works perfectly but the font is really, REALLY, REALLY tiny... Just getting to Klemeth was enough to give be a bad bout of eye strain.

I've tried the full range of resolutions but they all make things even worse!!! Is there a mod out there at all that has larger fonts for those of us on large monitors and super-high rez? Because, quite frankly, it's unplayable on my system without it.
Better don't use such high resolutions anyway, as it just makes the maps ugly, which are not made for such high resolutions.

Bigger fonts will not work in many cases anyway, as they are tied to the interface (as example the message log window, etc).
set your monitor's native resolution in sfall and try to set some of lower resolutions for hi-res patch then.
Well I got it working at 1600x900 which is one step down in the same ratio from my native rez of 1920x1080. Makes things a bit better, still not the best though.

OK, a bit more looking around at 16:9 ratio resolutions and found one that works reasonably well. 1280x720 seems the best compromise, it's not perfect, the odd line of text will lose a pixel or so off the bottom, but it's still readable and everything is at a sane size.
You would have to be using one of sfall DX modes for it to work.

If your using the screen settings window:
On the sfall side set the DX mode to fullscreen, set scaling to your desktop res (1920x1080) and turn on GPU blitting.
On the Hi-res side set the res to 960x540.

Let me know if that works.
Ahhh OK, didn't realize you could set them differently... hmmmm, interesting.

1280x720 does seem to be doing fine though. Text isn't being mangled by trying to display a different aspect ratio and everything is large enough that I don't get massive eye strain trying to play it.

Although I have noticed a couple of memory error crashes in-game, especially with a lot of heavy combat going on (OK, OK, heavy for the start of the game... taking to the Klamath rats with a pipe rifle.)

OK well setting the two resolutions you mentioned separately seems to work.. I'll give it a crack and see if that stops the crashing.

EDIT: OK seems to be fairly stable... Went blazing through the Klamath tunnels as fast as I could with my pipe riffle, firing, reloading, getting to the next target. No dropouts or hitches, graphics look good and no eye strain!