violent death animations?


First time out of the vault
I've been having trouble finding exact info on the topic. I have just a few questions about death animations in Fallout:

*How are violent death animations procured exactly? What is the formula for how to get them?

*Can you get violent death animations for unarmed/melee attacks? If so, how?

*Are there certain animations you can only see using the Bloody Mess trait?

*What is a good strategy for getting the best animations normally, without using Bloody Mess?

It appears to be based on damage. 45 or more gives the most violent death, otherwise 15 or more gives the less violent animation, otherwise the critter just falls over dead. Bloody Mess always uses the bloodiest one; there aren't any special animations for having the trait. The violence level setting may then force a less-bloody one to be used.

Unarmed and melee attacks cannot normally cause death animations. I haven't figured out how to change this yet; Timeslip might be making more progress.