Viva La France!



I know there is a lot of French bashing in the US with this treatened embargo (pacifist peace monkeys) while there is a fair amount of US bashing elsewhere (war monger monkeys).

But I' m drinking some French wine, eating cheese, enjoying French bread, and watching the film Ridicule and then Nikita la Femme, and maybe Amelie (what the hell). And damn it, I love the French!

So viva la France!

(except when it comes to World Cup soccer).
I enjoy individual elements from countries and despite other elements. All on an individual basis.

For example, as much as I loathe how the French go from hate to love as soon as their ass is in trouble, I do enjoy the work of Jeunet and Caro. The City of Lost Children, I believe, whips the pants off of The Matrix.
Ok blowing up the Rainbow Warrior in Auckland Harbour, Then releasing the French agents a couple of days after we sent them home wasnt to cool. Muroroa Atoll wasnt too cool either...But what they are doing now is all good.
Full credit, someone has to stand up and provide a voice of reason.

That said some of the steriotypes have been confirmed with the few ive met-At some party with a couple of Saudi freinds and these french girls/guys were totaly rude(quote:"thats like going to a party with some Chinese or something") But i shouldnt generalise.


Please Forgive all Spelling/Gramatical errors.I was sick that day...
I think their objections are purely financial and geopolitical. The government doesn't care about the Iraqis so much as it cares about the French economy and the chance to score "points" against the US.
You dont just *score points* for the hell of it. That is more likely to effect them Economicaly
You're right that they don't just score points for nothing, they have a goal in mind. In short, they want the Eurpean Union to become a political and economic superpower capable of competing with the US and they want France to lead it.

But they also have support of their populations.
Important in a democrasy, although the Current US Administration
wouldnt belevieve so.
I think a world Consensus(not in an official*fill this out* kind of way) is important for events on a world scale.
I think that might be the point of the UN, dont you?
The UN has a number of functions, but perhaps the most important of these is to establish and enforce international law. When the nations involved no longer want to enforce that law, then you have a problem. As Dubya might say, the UN has lost its relevancy in that situation.
Leave the enforcement up to those that put forward the laws in the first place.
And how can the US talk about Breaking/corrupting UN regulations?
They are one of the Worst! for that.

Please dont quote Bush if you want your post to be taken seriously.
I hear US gov start banning everything which contained the word "france".
Such as French Fries and French Toast (i heard White House Cafetaria named them Freedom Fries and Freedom Toast... ha ha... free country ay?) and stop importing french wine.
What next huh? Freedom Kiss (French Kiss you know. heh..heh...), Freedom Sauce (Russian Sauce), Freedom Soup (Russian Soup), and in thanksgiving, all US citizen ate "Freedom Chicks" (Turkey! I heard Turkey start playing WWII game again. In WWII they tricked german to gave them Tanks, Bombers and U-Boats for promises entering the war "sometime...") and there were a dance called "Freedom hat dance". I don't know such Bush whom a President of "free, liberal, proud, blah..blah.. mambo jambo country" like US could act silly and stupid thing like a Third World Dictator in Country somewhere in the world.

Oh yeah not only French Economics. Also whole Asian and European country (especially China and Japan. China is big but got few oils to talk and Japs also depens on my country for oil. I believe Indonesia wont export any more oil to Chinese and Japs if 1 Barrel of the price of oil rocketing like that).....
Some citizens are organizing boycotts against French goods and services, but the government isn't banning anything.
The Banning of the word "French" he was talking.

Anyway i think changing 'French' to 'Fredom' sounds like a complement.

"For your part in attempting to hold back thy Viscious Emerialistic
Bstards i dub the 'Fredom Fries'"

Anyway, If they wanted to set a message they should have called them
'Frog Fries' or the 'Filthy French Toast' ha ahaaha
Ha ha ha....
The Gov not banning that, just in White House & Senate Building Cafetaria I've heard. But some Republic senate try to make some rules about banning French Champagne and Wine. Good thing they didn't change the world "turkey".

BTW US-France relation were not very close. Since 60's they've done an "exchange" of spies (Jim Watson, a SEAL, once got a mission to infiltrate French naval base during his visit to French and do a reconnaissance.).

But Frog Fries is another thing. Here we ate frog legs. Frying the leg or boiling it with stock, Hmmm yummi! Call it Swike. I believe it is some kind of Chinese food.

And how about change it to Frog Kiss?
Personally, I think the very notion of fighting for peace is just a tad bit contradicting. The only way that plan works is if the government is subdued and, with the case of the Iraqis, that means alot of hardship for the people. The president said we are not against the Iraqi people, just its government, but we are entirely willing to stiffle the little order remaining in the land.

There was a B-film in the early seventies that had an entire town turned into mindless zombies. A para-military general rallied up a possee of roughnecks to torch the town saying, "We destroyed the town in order to save it." What. The. Hell. That's some twisted logic. And its a philosophy our president seems to adopt.

Some more friendly criticism of the big cheese. Anyone happen to catch the open forum for newscasters? Where George W. Bush stands in front of a podium and answers any of the newscasters questions? I'm telling you, it was like a goddam firing squad. The questions were just being bombarded against Bush and most of his answers were unsatisfying. He simply reiterated that he did not wish to go to war. Our big cheese is hardly an eloquent man, scoring around the 1200s in the SATs. I'm just glad we've got Powell and Rumsfield backing him up.

Now about the issue of freedom of speech. Some say freedom of speech is meant to compensate for freedom of thought which many seem to not use. The United States prides itself in its open-mindedness. We've got a Bill of Rights that protects our ideals. Yet all the general ideals and the government backing is all for nil if the PEOPLE don't appreciate that ideal. The Dixie Chicks' avenues have dropped since their denouncement of Bush. Michael Moore was booed of stage at the Oscars for criticism against Bush. In World War 2, Germany needed the Gestapo to censor criticism against Hitler. Now, the United States simply has its almost 300 million citiznes to censor other outspoken individuals. What a beautiful world we live in, folks.

I'm all for the Iraqi people. I despise the government and Saddam's callous mistreatments but war isn't an answer. War is merely plowing past the question, the question being: "Is it worth it?" I'm compassionate to the Iraqi's plight and I adamantly say it is not worth it. This is coming from a Vietnamese first generation born in America. Around my neck I wear a Christian cross for my faith, an Egyptian ankh for my belief in life, and I wear the two British semaphore letters N and D (standing for nuclear disarmament) which form the peace sign for my belief in peace, of course. I listen to John Lennon, especially "Give Peace A Chance." I wear a GREENPEACE shirt. I am but a simple boy in highschool but I'm still open minded to the resolution of peace.

War is over. (If you want it.)