Volkov and augmentations...


"Don't tell me you're going to wear those sunglasses during a night operation!"
"My vision is augmented"
-- Anna Navarre and JC Denton, UNATCO

Suspend your disbelief for a moment, as I have a simple question: if given the opportunity to augment yourself, with a 100% success rate, would you do it? If so, how? Eye implants? Brain-machine interfaces (Neural interfaces)? Nanomachine injections? DNA splicing?

Personally, the very first thing I'd go for is a neural interface (the unwieldy human hands will stop being an issue when it comes to art and surfing), with an advanced eye implant (vision enhancements) and possibly musle and/or skeleton reinfored with synthetic fibers and durable materials.

So, what would you get if you decided to?
if safe enough from a physical level and decently secured on a hardware and software level, then hell yes.

i'd prefer not to end up like an Omar (DX2), though.

neural interface would be my first pick as well, i guess. after that? visual enhancement and after that probably strenght stuff (includes strength and material endurance)

i'd love to get my hands on some 'red' cannisters ;-)
What, you don't like the perspective of having your frontal brain lobes replaced with a WiFi transceiver?

...I can see why.

Interestingly, on most fora people go for optical enhancements, then strength...

And SuAside, remember than non-Piezochem biomod architecture can be hazardous to your health ;)
Mikael Grizzly said:
And SuAside, remember than non-Piezochem biomod architecture can be hazardous to your health ;)
that's what they keep telling you. strangely all illegal functions seem to be hazardous to your health. uhu, what a coincidence.
I'd get myself seven "Shai-Hulud" class Robopenii, and use them to level entire cities with a single cockslap.
I'm kinda partial to the one with which you can hack ATMs from a distance. Having uber reflexes and strength and eyes and shit would be neato-torpedo too.
Wooz, now THAT'S a penis of mass destruction.

And DDD, imagine hacking someone's grandfather's heart pacemaker ;)
Upgraded tissue and bone to allow me to move super fast, and eyes and increased synaptic speed to allow me to use that speed effectively. I'm not into all that brain surfing and hacking stuff though.

Incidentally, are we using any particular universe as a source for these augmentations or are we just pulling it out of our arse?
Pulling out of our arse for the most part, but there will be no repercussions if a set universe is used.
If mu student life continue to develop at it present rate, an artificial liver would be real nice ...
mmm I would enjoy Nanomachine injections.. So my tarnished lungs would be contstantly repaired.. never getting sick.. ect.
I would like to add an addendum to my previous post, if we're joking around about the entire thing. I want super-fast fingers so I can play some awesome metal guitar. Like, 100,000 times faster than Dragonforce fast.

That'd be completely awesome.
I have very good eyesight and my penis is just fine as it is. I'd go for über-intelligence and muscle reinforcements. If I could only choose one though, it would be intelligence, since muscle strength can more easily be built up.

Nanomachines to prevent aging doesn't count, everyone would take immortality before anything else. I know I would.
Immortality doesn't count, you wouldn't live forever once you'd suffer the Crushing Cockslap of Doom by one of my seven Shai Hulud-class robokawks.
Is it possible to cover with a humongous robo-vagina? Not that I want an epic futuristic sex change...
You'd need seven gigantic robocunts the size of the Grand Canyon each.