
How did you vote?

  • I voted for Kerry.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I voted for Nader.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I voted for Badnarik (Libertarian).

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I voted for Cobb (Green).

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I didn't/can't vote, but I would have voted for Bush.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I didn't/can't vote, but I would have voted for Kerry.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I didn't/can't vote, and didn't have a preference.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Not much of a point here, just an informative survey of the No Mutants Allowed Crowd. How people voted (or would have) and so forth.

Please take this seriously.

I would have posted this on election day, but I was not around.
Kerry, but considering that I live in Massachusetts I really didn't need to bother.
Hooray. I'm worth FOURTEEN percent of the vote. Man do I feel like I can make a difference here. *eats a Democrat*
Kerry had my vote. Probably would've turned out better if Edwards was in his place.

Just imagine the look on any Republican's face if the electors decide to shake off tradition and elect Kerry.
Just imagine the look on any Republican's face if the electors decide to shake off tradition and elect Kerry.

I hope not. That would cause a fair amount of chaos given at least five electors would have to do that.

I voted Badnarik.
As a side note:

{November 3] Libertarian presidential candidate Michael Badnarik appears to have earned approximately 376,000 votes, which is more than the Green and Constitution party candidates combined.


They went on in that article about how Badnarik's campaign in the swing states was the main contributor to the increase in votes for the Libertarians, though, if you ask me, the internet seems more to blame. Don't need tons of money to get your views out on the net, just a website and some "believers" to spread the word.
Bradylama said:
As a side note:

{November 3] Libertarian presidential candidate Michael Badnarik appears to have earned approximately 376,000 votes, which is more than the Green and Constitution party candidates combined.


They went on in that article about how Badnarik's campaign in the swing states was the main contributor to the increase in votes for the Libertarians, though, if you ask me, the internet seems more to blame. Don't need tons of money to get your views out on the net, just a website and some "believers" to spread the word.

But the internet isn't currently a viable campaigning tool for a national level campaign simply because of the noise to info ratio. it takes a lot of saturation to get elected, and I think the candidates this year spent almost half a billion dollars combined.
Badnarik has more votes than Bush? Interesting.

Of course, we present a very skewed demographic.
I found out about Badnarik on the Internet and that's all I've ever heard about him. :P

Badnarik Ueber Alles and all of that.
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
Would have voted Kerry.

Yeah, you're picture tells the story. Fortunately the American people will be able to control their destiny for the next four years, rather than the world controlling it for us (which may have been the case if Kerry won).
Well, duh. But you won't see alot of fostering of Democracy in the Middle East while the Middle East sees shit like Guantanamo. It just ain't gonna happen.
I would have voted against Bush, or be it Kerry. Most seriously.
All Bush lovers can take as much offense as you like from this. :D