Vox is fascinated by: Skarkskin transplants


Vault Dweller
Yesterday I met a guy, who burned about 90 % of his body in a work accident 2 years ago.
Only his face (mostly... one ear is BBQed), his pelvis and a part of his leg was not burned.

So I was talking to him and he told me his story, I got 350 XP and he told me about what they did on his arm:

They trasplanted a layer of sharkskin on his arm, because it has much better healing properties than human skin.

The first time it got infected and he almost lost the arm, but he tried it again and it was accepted by the body, therefore a success.
I've never heard about that before, but I believe the man, since he showed me some parts of his body, and indeed, he was badly burned and shit... he even burned away his nipples... so I saw his chest with no nipples but heaps of scars... that was slightly disturbing.

So anyway... have you ever heard about something like that and if yes could you post links? I couldn't find anything on google, but maybe that's just up to my online-search-dislexia.
What about his weiner?

Did they transplant his index finger and replace it with that?
As mentioned, his pelvis, including his love python was not injured.

And no, you can't rebuild a penis, because there's unique tissue, especially at the glans penis.
You just can modify it or add lights and a cool paintjob... oh wait... that was a computer.
Sounds like he is lying or at the very least has the details wrong. Such foreign skin grafts would soon be rejected. However, I guess they might have used certain biochemical components from sharks to enhance growth of his own grafted skin, as part of a support layer for example.

I don't have time to research this now. Ask him about it again if you see him and do more research of your own.

Some interesting trivia. Shark teeth are thought to have evolved from the tough scales of their skin, which make it feel rough when brushed one way or smooth the other.

Last year Dr Fiona Wood won Australian of the Year for her revolutionary spray-on skin which uses cultured cells to treat burn victims.

He actually also talked about that it was rough when he swept over it with a finger in one direction, but smooth in the other.

It was just one layer of skin or so. I'm not a dermatologist. Plus he was on morphine and other shit, so yes, maybe he also got something wrong, but on the other hand, he also talked about the smooth-rough thing and that makes it more realisitc.

And since he told me everything pretty much in detail and he also showed some of his body parts and everything he said was at least plausible and logical.
The part of the arm where they transplanted (?) the stuff also looked different.

But the final effect was to allow pink human skin to regrow better, and it in fact, it looks better there.
I think the layer of skin was just applied to boost the healing process and grew out later on by itself.

But yeah... if you could find out more, i'd highly appreciate that.
sounds like a load of bullocks.

i'm pretty sure shark skin would be rejected. what he meant was perhaps that an extract of the sharkskin was applied to hotwire the healing process, but grafting shark skin? uhu, sure, next thing is sharks with lazer beams attached to their heads.

after some googling:

the short version is, it's an artificial manmade layer of skin made from combined knowledge from sharks & cows developed by INTEGRA (TM). it's often refered to as 'shark skin' but it isnt a real sharks' skin, obviously.


Integra skin, sometimes called "shark skin" because it contains
shark cartilage, has advantages over traditional skin grafts.

the long version:

PS: Vox, is it so hard to google "burn victim" "shark skin" ?
Vox said:
I couldn't find anything on google, but maybe that's just up to my online-search-dislexia.

Obviously it is, smartass.

Plus the guy was on morphine on this time... and for a long time after that. And other drugs, painkillers, antidepressants and other shit you have to take when 90 % of you skin is turned into bacon and you'd get insane or die out of pain.
So, as mentioned in a thread above, he might be trippin on that time.
Vox said:
I couldn't find anything on google, but maybe that's just up to my online-search-dislexia.
so you're actually serious about that? what a fucking lameass excuse...

i'm pretty sure that if that's the case it's more due to a bad case of lazyness and/or stupidity rather than dyslexia of any kind. (and yes, i know a fair deal about the many types of dyslexia, as i have dysgraphia myself). quite frankly i'm pretty tired of people using it as a random excuse instead of facing the truth.
Well it was a bad excuse but not the truth. But this is not the LET'S ARGUE COZ WE'RE DICKHEADS thread, so let's quit discussing why I haven't used google properly, ok?

The truth is:

On the night I met the guy at my neighbour's, I was to drunk.
On the following day I feld like shit.
Paladin Solo said:
Vox said:
And no, you can't rebuild a penis

I'm thinking you're the type of person that misses out on a lot of pop-culture references.

Yes, because I don't like pop culture, therefore I've always prefered to ignore it.
Well... yes and no... I just prefer to waste my time with other stuff. Wildlife for example. So maybe I should start making references to wildlife? ;)
Only turtles and crocodiles have a "penis". (and they're not known to regrow limbs)
Lizards have a pair of hemipenes. (one of them is called hemipenis)
Neither the penis nor the hemipenixXez are connected to the urinal tract, and the only function is the reporductive one.

But I can't tell you if they can reproduce the penile tissue.
Per, would you mind stepping this way for a sec? It won't take long.
:roll: Actually the lazer means "Liquid Absorbed by Zero Energy Resonance", and thus the victim of such beam, would dry up so fast he dies. :wink: